Friday, October 20, 2006

I bought some lite cheddar cheese. And i'll tell ya what. Not bad. Not bad at all. Totally worth it.

It's rainy today. I could eat anything you put in front of me. Let's see if I can't get that in check before I go out for the evening.

I'm going out to do something expensive tonight. It's $18 to get in and a 2 drink minimum! But it's a show that friends are in. So to it I go. Look at me, acting like I have an income.

Goals for this evening: do not overeat. do not overdrink. Fridays can be tempting.

Big weekend ahead. Gonna see two shows tonight (one play, one improv-karaoke show), gonna rehearse and perform in a show tomorrow night, gonna rehearse on Sunday as well. I can also see some vigorous exercise taking place. I've been running outside like it's my job.

A friend just got a new apartment in Brooklyn. It makes me want a new apartment. That seems like a long way off.

Getting another job thoughts: okay I'm seriously, for a few days now, considering getting a job at Trader Joe's for a little while. Is this insane? I've never worked somewhere like that. Might be good for me. I'm waiting to talk myself out of it, but that hasn't happened yet. Then, after I get sick of that, do I go corporate again, for the money? That makes me a little sick. So i'll just live day by day. Right now: it's friday!

I've been sleeping. A lot. I slept waaay in today. I think I've needed this. I've been on a gotfired-imposed vacation for exactly one week now. This is not half bad. I'm gonna have to find a source of income soon enough. But sitting around doesn't blow.

For now.

I can see how it might get boring though. Or can I?

Improv! I just wanna get better and better at it! Sketch comedy is awesome too. Things are movin and shakin and it's fun.



Anonymous said...

Working at TJ's (at least temporarily) would definitely not be bad. They are a really good employer - they pay their people a living wage, have great benefits and you can just show up, do your job, smile and go home. And their store hours are really chill.
And you wouldn't need to mess with the corporate office crap for the time being.
Anyway, I would at least give it a shot.
Rachel B.

Anonymous said...

The first Minnesotan Trader Joe's opened this summer and every time I go there, i think "What a FUN place to work." Everybody is always so freaking nice. Plus, you'd get a discount...

I took a break from the corporate world once and worked at Restoration hardware, except that bs at that place ended up being more corporate than anywhere else I'd ever worked. however, I did like the "do your job and go home" element of it.