Um, bullet points?
- The Boss just left for the day. I plan to Screw Round due to this development.
- My improv team, The Baldwins, had their first show on Wednesday night. It was a great night and the show was a success. The other new house team, SidViscous!, which is comprised of many of my close friends and companions, also had a stellar show. It was a great night for improv. And a great night for The PIT.
- I'm generally pretty happy right now. :o)
- Today, and today alone, I've elected to use the "o" in my smilie emoticons. Not sure why. Plumper-looking that way?
- Another busy weekend including filming stuff on Sunday and several planned hang outs. Zzzzz.
- Next weekend: Saratoga for the festival we're headlining. Zzzzz...
- I. Can't. Wait. For. My. Tax. Refund. It. Will. Be. Substantial.
- I. Owe. Money. All. Over. The. Place.
- My. Roommate. Has. Every. Right. To. Hate. Me. For. How. Long. I. Haven't. Paid. Him. Back. The. Money. He. Lent. Me. While. I. Was. Unemployed.
- Oh well! Whachoogondo? :o)
- I hate cleaning my room. I'm not home that often. So it stays pretty fuckin' messy.
- I think I'll drop some laundry off when I go home at lunchtime.
- Now I've just turned this into a To Do List for myself.
- Drop off laundry.
- Clean up apartment on Saturday during the day.
- Exercise tonight and tomorrow.
- Organize finances during workday today.
- Eat healthy this weekend. Fat = nobody likes that.
- Puke up the sausage you had for breakfast.
- Not really.
- Bye.

1 comment:
This pictue is funny. Very funny.
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