Kevin came with us, the darling, and we were so glad he was there. <3 And besides being a general joy to have around, he took some really great photos of our tech rehearsal on the first day.
Charleston is a beautiful city with a lot of culture and wonderful people. The Charleston City Paper, who scored each show at the festival on a regular grading scale, gave us the only A+ rewarded to any performance. And said, "Saturday night live wishes it was as funny as the Havard Sailing Team." Here's the rest of that article...awesome:
Charleston City Paper
And this reviewer loved us too, calling our show, "just as good as you've heard it is" and our sketches as "deeply creative vignettes that are as often self-referencing (i.e. about the Harvard Sailing Team) as they are reflective of pop culture stalwarts" (and I'm one of the puppets in that marionettes sketch he praises ;).
Plus we were on the morning news program, "Low Country Live" which was one of the single most hilarious experiences of my young life.
We got to see some great comedy while we were there, too, and I even ran into my old friend Jeff Gandy who happened to be in Charleston with his really delightful show "The Fowler Family Radio Hour" which stars a bunch of Chicago improvisors who I happen to know sort of sideways-style way through the blogging community and Arnie (who I actually don't know at all, but I read his blog religiously, okay??)
Oh Charleston, how I miss thee. I loved that trip. Best trip in a long long time. Ding!
I have to get ready for rehearsal now. We're playing On the Jitney tonight at the PIT and I think there'll be an energy in the air; right back into it. And then it's Steve's b-day at the TC. And tomorrow I rest. :)
Hey Jen we really loved having you guys down here! I've seen a lot of shit at Piccolo and T99's comedy festival over the years, and I kid you not when I say you kids brought some of the best sketch shiz I've seen. Seriously. And I'm totally not just saying that so you'll tell your friend Rebecca that I thought she was crazy cute. At. All. (But she was.) Hope you guys can come back to C-town soon.
I actually heard from a couple people that they ran into a nice funny girl who knew them from the blog.
Congrats on the shows.
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