Tuesday, February 24, 2009

You guys!

It's been far too long since I posted on here. I've been busy posting over here on follow my bliss, but I've also just been busy, in general. Same old story.

So, let's see.... Well, we found an amazing new brunch spot in our neighborhood.



I couldn't decide which photo of my breakfast quesadilla to share with you, so you're getting both.

This thing was to die for. Eggs, guac, cheese, pico de gallo, other stuff I can't remember. It was heavenly.

The place is called Enduro. We'd actually been to there before, for dinner. It's like THE one place within just a few blocks of our apartment that we feel comfortable going to for a sit-down meal. We've got plenty of take out options, but most of the actual sit-down restaurants in our neighborhood aren't exactly places I'd trust to prepare my food. Luckily, we're a short walk from a really trendy restaurant neighborhood, Park Slope, so we go there a lot.

This past Saturday morning, we decided to see if Enduro was open for brunch. Neither of us felt like cooking breakfast and we were both really hungry. And luckily, they DO serve brunch, so we went. We wanted to try everything on the menu.

And *blush* we woke up Sunday morning and decided to go back! Ha. We ate there for brunch two days in a row.

I am a Mexican food freak. It's almost a fetish. I'm in love with Mexican food and probably eat some version of it at least 3 times a week, if not more. All my favorite restaurants are Latin-themed in their flavors. Don't get me wrong, I love lots of cuisines, but my default is Latin.

ANYWAY. Things are pretty good by me. I'm struggling through the winter - although at this point, I'm almost immune to it. I want to kill it, die, and kill it again 100x a day, but that thought has moved to the back burners of my brain, rather than occupying a spot right up front like it was doing when the cold weather first began. Suffice it to say, I cannot wait for warmer weather. We've had little tastelettes of it recently, a few 50 degree days, one day in the 60s (holy mother of God that was delicious). They're just enough to whet my whistle and I've made good use of them.

I am, however, going to Miami next weekend! My good friends Chris and Rebe (who are also members of the sketch comedy group I'm in) are getting married! This wedding has been planned for quite a long time. I, along with 100 of my nearest and dearest, witnessed the engagement itself last December, because Chris proposed to Rebecca during a sketch comedy show - in the last sketch of our last show of 2007. None of us knew he was going to do it. And there was not a dry eye in the house. Fun night. They've since had plenty of festivities to celebrate their impending nuptials and next Thursday, we'll all finally head down to Miami and watch them make it official.

Rebecca is from Miami (Chris is from Long Island, NY) and I'm sure it's going to be an affair to remember. She has eight (eight) attending ladies, which boggles my mind. But I think it will be really fun. Both of their families are a fun bunch, all of our friends are crazy fun people, and my sketch group itself is like a big family. We've traveled a lot together in the 4 years we've been a comedy group so this will feel just like another HST trip - but with marriage!

I'm looking forward to it. There will be several different parties, lots of drinking, hopefully some laying in the sun, definitely some dancing, and plenty of wearing Miami-style outfits and Miami-style make up. I have no idea what that last part entails, exactly, but I do know that I MUST go out this weekend and buy some stuff to wear because I have NOTHING that's fitting for a night out on the town in Miami. And I also know that our bridesmaids dresses? Are short hot pink halter topped dresses. And we will not be wearing bras. So.

I'll post pics if I can stand to look at them myself. ;)

That's next weekend. In the meantime, my head is spinning. Things at work have shifted around a bit (more on that in a minute); The two women who own the house Kevin and I live in (we have the first floor of a three-story brownstone) are most likely selling the house and moving home to Texas soon (we will probably get to stay as tenants), so they're showing the place, which obviously means we have to keep the damn apartment clean, de-cluttered, and neat looking. (Ugh. There's no TIME, ladies!); Comedy stuff is busy right now - my improv group is ramping up into another year, and that involves lots of little details like new postcards, new photos, creating a logo, getting some press to cover us, making promotional videos, etc. - and I'm team "captain" so I stress about how much I'm doing (or not doing) to help it all along. (Luckily the team is comprised of awesome people who are awesomely productive and on top of stuff). HST is sorta treading water right now while we all prepare to go down to Miami, but we're still rehearsing and doing shows every week, so it's still a big time commitment; And besides all the usual stuff (gym, healthy eating, boyfriend lovin', day job, night job, etc. etc. etceraaaaaaa), I'm trying to leave my job and go do something else that makes me happy. Figuring that out is, in and of itself, a part-time job. I'm really glad I'm doing it, and I have no other choice. But the point is, I'm overwhelmed. I know the task of being a mother is an incredibly overwhelming one too, but sometimes I imagine that if and when I ever get pregnant, I'm going to breathe a huge sigh of relief knowing that I have a really good excuse to quit doing some of this stuff and just BE for a little bit. ;)

Work: long story short, they let one of the attorneys go in order to downsize. They're trying to save money. Then they suggested to the office manager that she also let an assistant (which is what I do) go. She said no. They said, come up with another option, then.

So, since one of the attorneys I assist is the guy who they let go, I'm naturally the assist who's job is on the line, since my workload just got cut in half. I did NOT get laid off, thank god. I did have a dream over the weekend that I got laid off. And then I came in on Monday morning and had a conversation with the office manager where she told me that I could have been, but instead, they're going to combine the job I do now with the receptionist position they've been trying to fill lately, get rid of the temp receptionist, and I will do both jobs. They'll move my desk up to reception (so, basically, I'll be the receptionist) and I'll still assist the other attorney I work with from that desk.

A few thoughts about this: 1.) Whatever. Fine. As long as my salary doesn't change, who cares. 2.) I could see it as a bit of a smack in the face, since it's not very glamorous to be a receptionist and the assistants in this office sort of take higher status over the receptionist a lot. 3.) Thank god I don't care about that stuff. 4.) I think this might end up being a really good thing. I won't be sitting next to the two coworkers who drive me batty anymore and I think I will have more free time. No one can see the receptionists computer, whereas people walk by my current computer all day long, so once I'm up there I will be able to blog, research my next step, or go on facebook a bit more privately. :) So I'm seeing it as a little nod from the universe that I'm on the right path with my quest to leave my desk job. I've been yearning for a little bit of time and space to focus more on my own stuff - and every little bit counts.

Weight loss: It's all good. For a while, I thought I'd made a mistake with my calorie calculations and the extra points I was giving myself. I had a relatively high week of food consumption and definitely felt like I'd put on a pound at the end of it. I panicked a little, went back to checking the scale daily, ate a tiny bit less each day (just like 3 points less, actually), and the scale responded and returned to it's rightful place in the world. Phew.

So, as of this morning, I'm on track to meet my goal to lose 2 pounds in the month of February! My official weigh-in is March 1, which is this Sunday. So I need to keep a check on my habits between now and then. But I think I will meet the goal. I'm THRILLED that this is the case. I set a very reasonable, very low goal. The very purpose of doing that is so that I might be able to actually achieve success. And it feels good to know it might happen. I saw the lowest number I've seen in several years this morning. I just smiled.

I've been good with exercise, as usual, although this past week, I skipped going to the gym on a couple days when I normally would have forced myself to go. But I thought, Eh. I don't want to. So I didn't. It made me slightly crazy, after the fact, to have skipped those workouts. Probably mostly because I have to wear a HOT PINK MINI DRESS IN A WEEK. I'm making exercise a priority this week so that I will feel as best as I can when I get down to Miami. I don't really care how I look quite as much as I care how I feel. If I'm feeling thin, fit, and healthy, I will be happy to strut my stuff in that dress.

I'm doing yoga religiously. It's changed my whole body. I'm thinner in places I never expected I could even lose weight. I zipped up an old dress the other day for the first time in who knows how long. I know it's the yoga. My arms, my upper torso, my thighs - everything. Granted, I've been doing some hard yoga at times (and some easy stuff other times), but most importantly, I'm doing it about 4 times a week. My body is loving it.

I'm running, walking, hiking, ellipticaling, and stair-stepping too. I like to mix it up with the cardio. I try to lift once a week as well, just for the hell of it.

An interesting thing I've noticed lately is that my sweet tooth is in overdrive. I could easily spend half of my daily calories on sweets. I don't, but I want to. I save a solid 5-8 points a day to spend on some kind of chocolatey sweet something. It's just how it is.

That's the update. Gotta post this and get outta the office. I've got a sketch comedy rehearsal tonight until 10pm, and THEN I have to go home and "de-clutter" our apartment so the landladies' broker can take photos of our apartment tomorrow. Ugh. I can think of a million other ways I'd rather spend my evening. But blah blah, right? :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

My weekend and my weight loss.

Kevin and I went to Philadelphia for Valentine's Day weekend! We had fun, and it was nice to get out of the city for the weekend. A good friend of Kevin's from childhood invited us to see a Ben Folds concert in Philly on Saturday, Valentine's Day evening, so Kev and I went down on Friday night and made a weekend out of it.

We caught the train down from Penn Station. Kevin had to work on Friday, but I called in sick so I could be part of a segment that the Rachael Ray show shot at The PIT, the theater where I perform with my improv and sketch comedy groups. I didn't have to be there until 1:30pm so I spent the morning cleaning, packing, exercising, and getting organized. The segment taping was a fun, easy afternoon. I had a great time and am excited to see it when it airs. (I'll try to mention it if I find out.) We were done shooting by 4:30pm and after I grabbed a quick bite, I met up with Kev and we hopped on the train.

We arrived in Philly two hours later and dropped our stuff off at the hotel, where we had a room on 24th floor with a nice view.

Then we headed back out for a really fun dinner at a place called Friday Saturday Sunday. It was lovely. We really liked the food - we shared a salad, a few "small plates" and a bottle of wine. The atmosphere was cool and romantic and I had a nice time.

When we got back to the hotel, a little tipsy, I proclaimed, as I often do, how much I wish we'd picked up some chocolate or a sweet treat. And what did my sweet boyfriend present to me, but a big box of Godiva truffles. He knows me. And he's awesome. I was elated. We shared three of them.

We woke up late the next day and eventually made our way down to breakfast at the hotel.

Breakfast was not that good and it was over-priced, but it did the trick and we had fun people-watching and hanging out.

And then we headed out to sight-see! It was a chilly afternoon, but we had a really fun time walking around, taking in the different neighborhoods and tourist attractions. I'd never been to the city of Philly before (only to the outlying areas) so Kevin showed me around.

It was a really good day. In the evening, we met up with Kevin's friend John and John's wife Casey. I'd never met them before and Kevin's known John for years, so it was great to finally get to know them. We had dinner at a cool place in some part of Philly - no idea which part - and eventually made our way to the concert. I don't know much of Ben Folds music, but what I do know, I like. It was a good time, a little bit long to be standing up, and I couldn't see that well, but the music was great and I enjoyed myself.

After the show was over, John and Casey drove us back to their new house in a Philly suburb and we stayed the night. They were very gracious hosts and we had a comfortable night's sleep. They have two cats who were really adorable and snuggly. The cats slept with us, which I loved.

We slept in the next morning and after Casey served us a yummy pancake breakfast, they drove us to the train station that afternoon. We were back at our apartment by 5:30pm. We were glad to be home. We really enjoyed our trip, but it also reminded us that we love living in New York right now. Plus, our cats were glad to see us.

All in all, it was such a great Valentine's weekend. We aren't huge on this holiday, but we don't ignore it completely either. And it was mostly a perfect excuse to get out of town, do some different stuff, and spend time alone together. Kevin planned and organized the whole thing and made sure I was having a good time at every turn. I'm madly in love with the guy and our relationship is a wonderful aspect of my life.

We came home to some sweet Valentine's cards from our parents, along with a little spending money from my mom and a suggestion that we treat ourselves, so we turned right back around and headed for Park Slope to go to our favorite restaurant, Santa Fe Grill. We briskly walked the 35 minutes to the restaurant and we were starving by the time we arrived. The food was amazing, as always, and we each had a margarita, and split a second one.

We spent Sunday evening crashed out in our apartment, me watching TV and stealing a couple pieces of Godiva chocolate and a couple homemade cookies here and there (woops!), and Kevin finishing a video he's been editing. I was dead tired around midnight and was asleep before my head hit the pillow. Kev stayed up working on his video and woke me up this morning to say goodbye before he left for work. I fell BACK to sleep, and slept until 11:30! I couldn't believe it. I was dead to the world. It was amazing. I must have really needed the sleep after two nights of staying up way past my bedtime, eating weird things at odd times, and generally being away from my usual routine.

I have today off work - hooraaaay!! - and I've really taken advantage of it so far. I've done NOTHING. And I love it. Sometimes I stress myself out by trying to cram a certain amount of "relaxing" and me-centered activities into vacation days like this one. I end up half enjoying myself and half obsessing about what time it is and how I'm going to get to do all my enjoyable things before nightfall. So silly! So I've taken my body's advice, let myself off the hook for having slept so late - I honestly couldn't have helped it if I wanted to - and I've lazed around in the living room. I've watched some tv, had my coffee, done some email checking, web surfing and blogging, and I finished the rest of my (really delicious) veggie burrito from last night's dinner. It was my breakfast and it was just as good, if not better, than it was last night. I'm still in my pajamas, wearing my glasses, and it's now almost 4pm.


The cats are in the same state.

My current plan is to get dressed and make my way out into the world in the next hour or so, after I find some lunch in our bare kitchen. Then I'm going to go to the gym and do whatever strikes me for as long as I feel like it while I'm there, then I'll go to Trader Joe's and stock up for the week. I might also buy some ingredients for a few baking tests I'm thinking of doing later today. :) Then I plan to come back to the apartment, make myself some dinner (I need to cut back on spending for a while - I've been eating out a lot lately), do some yoga, and putter around the house. We'll see how much of that gets accomplished. No pressure either way.

I have really needed this weekend, it seems. Life, as usual, has been moving at quite a clip lately. When I'm not busy doing things, I'm busy coming up with things I want to do. It's not an awful way to live, but the contrast of this downtime is divine. I feel pretty relaxed right now, and even though there are things on my to-do list that are un-done, I know where my priorities are and things will get done as they will.

Next week is an incredibly busy one. I have something every night of the week, which is not unusual for me, but it hasn't been the case in for a couple weeks in a row now. So I'm currently spoiled and too used to this leisure. It's going to be challenge to fit in exercise, comedy rehearsals and shows, and my dayjob in this upcoming week, so the more I can power-down today and just organize myself and my house for the impending whirlwind, the better.

Food and exercise-wise, I'm feeling good. Here's a bunch of long paragraphs about it: ;)

I have to admit to scale-hopping a couple times since my Feb 1 weigh-in. *Blush* It has been hard to stay off that thing, but I've only gotten on it once or twice, and I am vowing not to do so again until March 1. I think I got on it partially due to an addictive need - I am more interested in that number than I want to be, I fully admit that. But I also got on it partially due to a desire to check in on where things stand.

I have come to a pretty significant realization recently, in my weight loss efforts: The amount of calories that I should consume per day, as suggested by Weight Watchers, is a lot less than what I actually should be eating in a day, in my opinion. I'm talking about myself now, and do not claim to know what is right for anyone else. This is just about me.

First of all, I have a suspicion that I burn a lot of calories in a day. Not only do I exercise religiously and pretty vigorously almost every day, but I also tend to be very active when I'm not exercising. I've said it before - I really think traversing the city every day can burn upwards up 300-400 extra calories a day. Despite almost always choosing healthy, filling natural, organic, nutrient-rich foods, I get hungry often and easily. If I don't eat 5-6 small meals a day, I will be ravenous. I'm very hungry right now. So I think I don't always realize what I'm burning in a day.

Even though I do try to consume a little bit more food to make up for those extra calories burned, I still think the amount of food WW suggests I should eat is too little, because I don't WANT to be losing 2+ pounds a week. I wonder if that sounds crazy. But it's 100% honest. I would much much rather lose .5 pounds a week, or even .25 pounds a week over the course of several months. It strikes me as bizarre to realize that I have been "losing weight" for over six years. Out of the last 6 years, I have spent probably a total of 4 of those years shedding weight, bit by bit, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. There have been periods of gain, but the majority of the time has been spent losing weight at varying paces. And losing weight at a faster pace is honestly a feeling that is not a comfortable one for my body. When I'm in that state, I'm cold all the time, I'm usually hungry a lot, I'm more susceptible to headaches, I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, I feel like I'm becoming thinner and my body is changing shape and size at a pace that makes me uneasy. When I lose weight at a slower pace, I feel secure, I feel like I'm living a healthy lifestyle that's natural by-product is slow and steady weight loss. And in THAT comfortable state is how I want to live while I work to finish meeting my weight loss goal.

If I ate the amount of calories WW suggests for someone my age and height to lose weight on their program, I'd be eating anywhere between 250-700 calories less each day than I have been eating consistently for the past year. And I lost 10 pounds last year. Granted, as I continue to slowly lose weight, I'll have to eat a little less and a little less in order to compensate for being thinner, but that tends to happen naturally for me anyway.

I have done a lot of research in the last several months about how much I should be eating to slowly lose weight. Also, there are plenty of online calculators out there that allow you to plug in your age, your height, how much weight you want to lose and how long you want it to take. It spits out a calorie-range you should stay within every day in order to achieve that goal in that amount of time. If I convert that range into WW points, the number is as much as 10 points higher than what WW suggests I eat to lose weight at what is likely a much faster pace.

Now, I'm not remotely suggesting that WW is promoting eating too little to lose weight. I think their program is a very healthy, smart system. I lost 115 pounds attempting to follow it. I say 'attempting to' because I never followed it 100%, by eating only the amount of food they suggested I eat. I did my best to eat that amount every week, and succeeded or came close a lot of the time. But the rest of the time, I didn't. My eating was still enough of a departure from what I'd been eating when I was maintaining my obesity, that the weight came off even when I slipped up.

What I am suggesting is that for me, now, 6 years into this journey, I'm very comfortable in my body, hovering currently around 15 pounds above the weight I'd like to maintain forever, and I need and want to be eating more than someone who's looking to drop 2 to 3 pounds a week or someone who's natural lifestyle isn't very active. The choice to make this change in personal perspective is important for me because it has been very psychologically beneficial.

I'm no longer looking at it like I'm eating MORE than I should be. I'm looking at it like I'm eating exactly how much I should be. I'm still losing weight, as predicted, slowly. But I'm eating, net (after exercise), about 6-12 more points a day than I "should" be, according to WW. The old mindset finds me telling myself, "You did your best, but it wasn't perfect. Try again next week." The new mindset says, "You are making moderate, smart choices that have put you within the exact range you're aiming for. You are a success." It has a big psychological impact but how many calories I'm consuming hasn't really changed. I feel, now, that rather than making a forgivable mistake, I'm actually succeeding with flying colors. And that little bit of positive self-talk like that goes a long way. I feel better about myself.

I'm not sure where my weight will land when I weigh-in on March 1. I'm hoping for a 2 pound loss for the month. It could be something more like 1 pound, but I'm okay with that. Because I don't have all the proper systems to measure what I'm actually burning and consuming, I can only use an educated guess. All I know is that every single day, I'm making the best possible choices given each and every circumstance and I have been doing that for a long time now. I avoid eating when I'm not hungry, I stop eating when I get full, I satisfy my sweet tooth every day, I rarely if-ever overeat to the point of discomfort, and I try to get in as many nutrients as possible every day. So even if my food consumption is more than WW says it should be, it's exactly right for my current lifestyle. I'm not sure I could make dramatic alterations to the way I eat even if I thought I needed to. I have been eating intuitively and re-learning, every day, how to stay thin, for a long time now. I just had to realize that that's what I was doing and it's perfectly in line with my goals. I had to change the rules, not the method. It's precisely and exactly where I want to be.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

updation station

Finally updated the links over there on the right to include my favorite blogs, and to include my new pretty blog. :)

Monday, February 02, 2009

Feels like forever...

...since I last posted. Same excuse as always - busy, stressed out at work, not enough time in the day, blah blah blah.

I have, however, been pouring myself into a new online activity that I've yet to mention on here, I just realized.

I started a new blog! It's called "follow my bliss. " Now I have three blogs. Three effin blogs?! Jeez. I know, I know. But I feel justified.

This blog is and always has been focused on my experience losing weight and staying healthy. Sure, I write about other things on here, but the healthy lifestyle is my focus on this blog. Also, this blog is the blog that I'm the most 'myself' when writing. I don't tell many people about it, don't really know who reads it, and try not to censor myself too much on it. It's for me. So I can express myself, celebrate milestones, complain about stuff when I need to, and work things out when I want to. It's also to keep a few very important friends updated on my life, since it's much easier than emailing them all individually.

There's also my tumblr blog,  which I've kept up for the last year for fun. I can post quick, easy stuff that my "real life" friends enjoy a bit more than they would a blog with long rambling entries about how many slices of pizza I had last month. The tumblr blog probably won't get much action for now. I haven't used it much lately anyway.

So that brings us to the new blog! I'm so excited about it. I love it and even though I just started it a week ago, I'm having a blast taking photos and coming up with content for it. It's basically a place to discuss and chronicle my journey to leave my desk job and find my dream job.

I've talked on here a lot in the last two or three months, maybe even a lot in the last year, about wanting to change jobs and, more importantly, change lifestyles by no longer working at any kind of desk job.

Kevin suggested that I interview people about their dream jobs and write a blog about it. And I took it a step further and decided to write a blog about my own search, hopefully encountering other people who've done the same thing along the way. I'm hoping that the very process of writing the blog will encourage me to keep searching, asking questions, observing, and creating opportunities for myself - all while producing a creative history of the whole experience. I'm also hoping that opening up myself to the people I know (or even the people I don't!) will provide me with more options, suggestions, and open doors than would be available to me if I just sat in my living room and talked to my boyfriend about what I want. Not to mention, I'm a firm believer that if you ask the 'universe' for what you want, you're very likely to be open to it when it comes along. So that's the reason I'm doing it. It's a great experience so far. And I just ordered a new camera! So that will make it even more fun. :)  I'd love for you guys to read it.

Beyond that, work is a bear right now. Just busy and tiring and making me want to quit and get a job at a grocery store until something else comes along. I probably won't do that, not yet anyway. But I WANT to. 

Kevin started a new job too, as I mentioned, and it's certainly been a period of transition in our house. We're making and eating breakfast together every morning, which is fun, and we've done yoga together a couple mornings before work, but it's certainly an adjustment to have neither of us home during daylight hours. We're having to spend much more time cleaning/doing laundry, etc. on Sundays than we've done in the past. It's working itself out, but I know we'll be thrilled when we one day live on a beach and read books for a living. ;)

So. Food/exercise/weight. Until Sunday, I hadn't weighed myself since January 6th. I was in a groove of weighing myself every damn day for quite a while. That habit didn't really bother me, necessarily, but the battery on the scale died on January 6th, just as I was getting on it for my daily weigh-in, and it seemed like a little sign. I was battling a slight gain from the holidays and sorta sick of staring at the number each morning, so I thought, You know what? I'm not gonna rush to get a new battery. I'm gonna see if I can go until February 1st without weighing myself. And I did! (It helped that there was not a working battery in the scale. I'm thinking of taking the new battery I just got OUT of the scale and hiding it somewhere until March 1, as to avoid the temptation of the daily weigh-in.)

I'm glad I did this. Because it has really cleared away some mental clutter for me. It's not that I was focusing too much on the number on the scale, so much as I just always knew what it said. And while that's not necessarily a bad thing, it was also just extra information - meaningless information when noticed daily - that I didn't need swirling around in my brain. I like the feeling of just eating well, working out, making balanced choices, listening to my hunger, and waking up the next day to do it all over again with only my clothes, my food journal, and my conscience as my accountability.

It also helped put into perspective for me what my true goals really are. I want to lose 20 pounds this year, from what I weighed this past January 1st. Totally doable. And the beauty of that goal, is that it means I need only lose less than 2 pounds a month. I'm not in ANY hurry to lose these 20 pounds. I've never been as thin as 20 pounds less will make me, not since before puberty anyway, and if my body wants to go there, it will. If it doesn't, it won't. So we'll see what happens. The only way to know if my body is comfortable with the shift is to take it nice and slow and easy. No rushing, no racing, no obsessing over numbers. Just good habits that have good consequences.

So, drumroll, between January 1st and February 1st, I lost 4 pounds! Not bad, eh? Now, of course, the January 1st number was definitely inflated by some questionable food and alcohol choices in the days leading up to that weigh in. But that caveat noted, I still lost 4 pounds! I'm really proud of this. I probably would have been proud with 2 pounds, frankly. As long as I didn't gain weight, who cares.

I did the math and in the last 32 days, I've averaged a total of 37 points consumed per day. This does not include any calories burned from exercise. I'm formally burning an average of 300 calories daily, or earning 3 activity points daily. (I don't workout daily, but some days I do 60-90 minutes, some days I just do 30 minutes, and some days I do nothing formal for exercise.) I also walk around this damn city, up and down subway stairs, and several blocks to and from work, home, and rehearsals/shows every day. So that's probably an additional 100-200 calories burned that I don't even think about. I don't count the extra stuff like walking around the city, nor do I count the 20 minutes of yoga I do most mornings, since it's really just intensified stretching. (If I do 45-60 minutes of yoga, I'll call it 1 or 2 activity points.) But I do religiously consume the activity points from my formal exercise. So that means I'm consuming, on average, about 34 points a day when factoring in some exercise. Weight watchers tells me that someone of my height should be consuming an average of 27 points a day in order to lose 1-2 pounds a week. If I want to lose an average of .5 pounds a week, if that, then I'm right on track, it seems, to do that.

Granted, I could always reign in the eating - who couldn't. And I really don't know exactly how many calories I'm burning in a day (I have been yearning for one of those little gizmos that tell me that info), nor do I know exactly how many calories 34 points in a day actually is (I'm sure some days my math in terms of points-counting is way off and something that's 200 calories gets called 2 points, when it's really more like 4). But I lost 4 pounds this month, so who cares.

So. I'm going to attempt with all my power not to weigh myself again until March 1st. It's gonna be tough, I'm sure, because inquiring minds want to know. But I have enjoyed the mental freedom from it all this month. I've also enjoyed the lack of self-punishment, however small or large, that comes along with seeing a higher number the morning after a dinner out or an evening of sharing wine with friends. It's not necessary to punish myself, even if only for a moment, about completely reasonable indulgences like those. Weighing myself less has lessened that negative voice too.

That said, I'm going attempt to eat a bit less this month. If I'm not careful, I might gain weight. So I want to be sure I'm keeping an eye on things. And I'm going to do my best to keep my exercise where it's been - 4-5 times cardio each week, 3+ times yoga, and 1-2 times lifting/resistance training. My goal for this upcoming month is to lose 2 pounds. Seems reasonable enough.

I have an unexpected night off tonight. Mondays are usually my improv practice nights, but our coach is sick and a few of the rest of us have been feeling under the weather, so we decided to skip it entirely. I'm glad we did because I had a hectic weekend and I could use the extra night of down time. I was planning to go get in a nice workout, but I'm thinking I might opt out, having worked out 5 out of the last 6 days, and go out to dinner with my sweetie. I might even have a drink! I don't really have the points for a big dinner, so I won't go crazy, but I'm might indulge a little. After all, I have a month to make up for it. ;)