It's been far too long since I posted on here. I've been busy posting over here on follow my bliss, but I've also just been busy, in general. Same old story.
So, let's see.... Well, we found an amazing new brunch spot in our neighborhood.
I couldn't decide which photo of my breakfast quesadilla to share with you, so you're getting both.
This thing was to die for. Eggs, guac, cheese, pico de gallo, other stuff I can't remember. It was heavenly.
The place is called Enduro. We'd actually been to there before, for dinner. It's like THE one place within just a few blocks of our apartment that we feel comfortable going to for a sit-down meal. We've got plenty of take out options, but most of the actual sit-down restaurants in our neighborhood aren't exactly places I'd trust to prepare my food. Luckily, we're a short walk from a really trendy restaurant neighborhood, Park Slope, so we go there a lot.
This past Saturday morning, we decided to see if Enduro was open for brunch. Neither of us felt like cooking breakfast and we were both really hungry. And luckily, they DO serve brunch, so we went. We wanted to try everything on the menu.
And *blush* we woke up Sunday morning and decided to go back! Ha. We ate there for brunch two days in a row.
I am a Mexican food freak. It's almost a fetish. I'm in love with Mexican food and probably eat some version of it at least 3 times a week, if not more. All my favorite restaurants are Latin-themed in their flavors. Don't get me wrong, I love lots of cuisines, but my default is Latin.
ANYWAY. Things are pretty good by me. I'm struggling through the winter - although at this point, I'm almost immune to it. I want to kill it, die, and kill it again 100x a day, but that thought has moved to the back burners of my brain, rather than occupying a spot right up front like it was doing when the cold weather first began. Suffice it to say, I cannot wait for warmer weather. We've had little tastelettes of it recently, a few 50 degree days, one day in the 60s (holy mother of God that was delicious). They're just enough to whet my whistle and I've made good use of them.
I am, however, going to Miami next weekend! My good friends Chris and Rebe (who are also members of the sketch comedy group I'm in) are getting married! This wedding has been planned for quite a long time. I, along with 100 of my nearest and dearest, witnessed the engagement itself last December, because Chris proposed to Rebecca during a sketch comedy show - in the last sketch of our last show of 2007. None of us knew he was going to do it. And there was not a dry eye in the house. Fun night. They've since had plenty of festivities to celebrate their impending nuptials and next Thursday, we'll all finally head down to Miami and watch them make it official.
Rebecca is from Miami (Chris is from Long Island, NY) and I'm sure it's going to be an affair to remember. She has eight (eight) attending ladies, which boggles my mind. But I think it will be really fun. Both of their families are a fun bunch, all of our friends are crazy fun people, and my sketch group itself is like a big family. We've traveled a lot together in the 4 years we've been a comedy group so this will feel just like another HST trip - but with marriage!
I'm looking forward to it. There will be several different parties, lots of drinking, hopefully some laying in the sun, definitely some dancing, and plenty of wearing Miami-style outfits and Miami-style make up. I have no idea what that last part entails, exactly, but I do know that I MUST go out this weekend and buy some stuff to wear because I have NOTHING that's fitting for a night out on the town in Miami. And I also know that our bridesmaids dresses? Are short hot pink halter topped dresses. And we will not be wearing bras. So.
I'll post pics if I can stand to look at them myself. ;)
That's next weekend. In the meantime, my head is spinning. Things at work have shifted around a bit (more on that in a minute); The two women who own the house Kevin and I live in (we have the first floor of a three-story brownstone) are most likely selling the house and moving home to Texas soon (we will probably get to stay as tenants), so they're showing the place, which obviously means we have to keep the damn apartment clean, de-cluttered, and neat looking. (Ugh. There's no TIME, ladies!); Comedy stuff is busy right now - my improv group is ramping up into another year, and that involves lots of little details like new postcards, new photos, creating a logo, getting some press to cover us, making promotional videos, etc. - and I'm team "captain" so I stress about how much I'm doing (or not doing) to help it all along. (Luckily the team is comprised of awesome people who are awesomely productive and on top of stuff). HST is sorta treading water right now while we all prepare to go down to Miami, but we're still rehearsing and doing shows every week, so it's still a big time commitment; And besides all the usual stuff (gym, healthy eating, boyfriend lovin', day job, night job, etc. etc. etceraaaaaaa), I'm trying to leave my job and go do something else that makes me happy. Figuring that out is, in and of itself, a part-time job. I'm really glad I'm doing it, and I have no other choice. But the point is, I'm overwhelmed. I know the task of being a mother is an incredibly overwhelming one too, but sometimes I imagine that if and when I ever get pregnant, I'm going to breathe a huge sigh of relief knowing that I have a really good excuse to quit doing some of this stuff and just BE for a little bit. ;)
Work: long story short, they let one of the attorneys go in order to downsize. They're trying to save money. Then they suggested to the office manager that she also let an assistant (which is what I do) go. She said no. They said, come up with another option, then.
So, since one of the attorneys I assist is the guy who they let go, I'm naturally the assist who's job is on the line, since my workload just got cut in half. I did NOT get laid off, thank god. I did have a dream over the weekend that I got laid off. And then I came in on Monday morning and had a conversation with the office manager where she told me that I could have been, but instead, they're going to combine the job I do now with the receptionist position they've been trying to fill lately, get rid of the temp receptionist, and I will do both jobs. They'll move my desk up to reception (so, basically, I'll be the receptionist) and I'll still assist the other attorney I work with from that desk.
A few thoughts about this: 1.) Whatever. Fine. As long as my salary doesn't change, who cares. 2.) I could see it as a bit of a smack in the face, since it's not very glamorous to be a receptionist and the assistants in this office sort of take higher status over the receptionist a lot. 3.) Thank god I don't care about that stuff. 4.) I think this might end up being a really good thing. I won't be sitting next to the two coworkers who drive me batty anymore and I think I will have more free time. No one can see the receptionists computer, whereas people walk by my current computer all day long, so once I'm up there I will be able to blog, research my next step, or go on facebook a bit more privately. :) So I'm seeing it as a little nod from the universe that I'm on the right path with my quest to leave my desk job. I've been yearning for a little bit of time and space to focus more on my own stuff - and every little bit counts.
Weight loss: It's all good. For a while, I thought I'd made a mistake with my calorie calculations and the extra points I was giving myself. I had a relatively high week of food consumption and definitely felt like I'd put on a pound at the end of it. I panicked a little, went back to checking the scale daily, ate a tiny bit less each day (just like 3 points less, actually), and the scale responded and returned to it's rightful place in the world. Phew.
So, as of this morning, I'm on track to meet my goal to lose 2 pounds in the month of February! My official weigh-in is March 1, which is this Sunday. So I need to keep a check on my habits between now and then. But I think I will meet the goal. I'm THRILLED that this is the case. I set a very reasonable, very low goal. The very purpose of doing that is so that I might be able to actually achieve success. And it feels good to know it might happen. I saw the lowest number I've seen in several years this morning. I just smiled.
I've been good with exercise, as usual, although this past week, I skipped going to the gym on a couple days when I normally would have forced myself to go. But I thought, Eh. I don't want to. So I didn't. It made me slightly crazy, after the fact, to have skipped those workouts. Probably mostly because I have to wear a HOT PINK MINI DRESS IN A WEEK. I'm making exercise a priority this week so that I will feel as best as I can when I get down to Miami. I don't really care how I look quite as much as I care how I feel. If I'm feeling thin, fit, and healthy, I will be happy to strut my stuff in that dress.
I'm doing yoga religiously. It's changed my whole body. I'm thinner in places I never expected I could even lose weight. I zipped up an old dress the other day for the first time in who knows how long. I know it's the yoga. My arms, my upper torso, my thighs - everything. Granted, I've been doing some hard yoga at times (and some easy stuff other times), but most importantly, I'm doing it about 4 times a week. My body is loving it.
I'm running, walking, hiking, ellipticaling, and stair-stepping too. I like to mix it up with the cardio. I try to lift once a week as well, just for the hell of it.
An interesting thing I've noticed lately is that my sweet tooth is in overdrive. I could easily spend half of my daily calories on sweets. I don't, but I want to. I save a solid 5-8 points a day to spend on some kind of chocolatey sweet something. It's just how it is.
That's the update. Gotta post this and get outta the office. I've got a sketch comedy rehearsal tonight until 10pm, and THEN I have to go home and "de-clutter" our apartment so the landladies' broker can take photos of our apartment tomorrow. Ugh. I can think of a million other ways I'd rather spend my evening. But blah blah, right? :)
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