Alright, okay, so here's the thing. I used to have this weight loss blog, right? Some of you who read this blog might have originally read that blog and navigated here from there. Others of you, thank god, will never read that blog. It served its purpose during the time I wrote it, but there came a time when I needed to stop putting so much daily, written focus on my weight loss effort. So I retired the ol' gal and I'm glad I did. Blogging about whateverthehell suits me better now.
That said, when I had that blog it was sometimes helpful when achieving certain goals to be accountable each day to the almighty internet. And as we enter into May, I've given myself a goal of 5 workouts per week for the month. That translates to 22 workouts, some of which will be cardio, some of which will be a mix of - eh, you get the idea, you don't need the details. Anyway, my friend Jess, whose weight-loss related blog I've read almost since she began writing it, has inspired me to use the almighty internet to my advantage once again by tracking my exercise efforts here. Jess uses her blog much to her advantage in that respect, and I stole the ticker idea from her, and I admire the time she takes to keep track of these things for herself, so I'm gonna take a page out of her book (blog) and give it a go...
Since I started losing weight (I lost 100 pounds between approximately 2002 and 2004), exercise has been enjoyable for me for the most part. I started out walking and hiking and then, after a few years, I slowly graduated to long distance runs and regular weight lifting with some pilates thrown in for good measure. It worked. And after getting to a weight that made me comfortable and ultimately attempting to shift my focus from losing weight to just living a regular life, my exercise stayed pretty strong for quite some time. However, it has become less of a priority in the last few months - as I become a famous comedy celebrity. ;) Kidding. Anyway, the POINT IS, I'm gettin back in the game this month because even if one isn't trying to lose 100 pounds, one still needs to maintain one's girlish figure. Plus, it feels oh so very good to be fit and two or three workouts a week, or sometimes one or none (!) is not enough for a bathing suit.
Yay you!
I kept track of minutes for the past several months, but now I'm just counting days... marathon training starts soon, so minutes are less important....
BTW -- saw Lara on Saturday night, she totally remembers you. And if you look at the link in my blog to the newsstory about the car accident (read Saturday's entry and that statement will make sense), Lara is standing next to me in the interview.
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