I saw Ricky Gervais do standup this past weekend, which was a lifetime highlight. And we performed at a bar mitzvah, another highlight.
On Saturday morning at 6am HST leaves for Charleston for one week. We'll drive the 15 hours down in a fifteen passenger van and perform seven lives shows, two radio shows, and make an appearance on the local morning news. This. Is hilarious to me. And wonderful. It will be fun. Then we come back to New York and do Sketch Fest the following Thursday. It's a busy time. I'm enjoying it.
I wish I had some other insight to share relating to anything. My brain feels like mush; perhaps this office job has been the true brain drain I anticipated it would be. I know entire days have passed that I can't account for.
Truth be told, I've felt off kilter for a few days. Something felt eerie today. That's the right word for it. I haven't had my phone for three days, I left it at Billy's, and you'd think this would be maddening, and it is, but it's also just. fine.
These guys :)

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