I left work, fully intending to go to a pilates class with my night off from rehearsal. Then I realized that the days that I get to go directly home from work are so few and far between that I can only remember having done it one other time since I moved into Kevin's apartment in July. JULY! So I decided, eff it, I already worked out once today, I'll do pilates on my own when I get home, I'm skipping the class.
I'm glad I did because about 8 seconds after making this decision, my period started. Ah, yes. Wonderful. I had to stop at a store and buy advil immediately - there was no way I could wait the 40 minutes until I got home to calm the cramps. Thank god for advil. It works every time for me.
I'd already decided earlier in the day that I'd stop at the store to get some kind of special sweet treat. I popped into a gourmet market on my way to the subway and picked up a most delicious (and surprisingly low-calorie even though it was regular full fat) organic coffee flavored ice cream and a small package of all-natural caramel pecan brownies. I was so excited to make a decadent treat for after supper. And it was not my intention to self-soothe with the sweets or anything like that, I just knew I wanted a yummy reward for a good OP day. But as I stood in the check out line with advil, ice cream, and brownies, it did not escape me that I was clearly a girl who just started her period. It made me laugh.
I tucked my precious brownies into a safe place in my gym bag so they wouldn't get smushed, downed my advil, and headed to the subway. I kept hoping I'd find something to read on the way home, like a newspaper or magazine just laying around, but I didn't see anything as I walked down the street. But when I got on the train there was a Page Six magazine sitting right on the seat I was going to sit in. Sweet! So I read trashy gossip the whole train ride home.
My cramps had subsided when I got home so I changed into clean workout clothes, having already done a solid 30 minutes of hard cardio at the gym over my lunch break, and did some pilates in front of the TV. It was nice and felt good, probably did about 25-30 minutes worth.
Kevin was out with a friend for the evening so I was on my own for dinner. I was so excited to broil up my tilapia, to have along with some brown rice and a salad. But when I got the tilapia out of the package and onto the broiling pan, I knew I just couldn't eat it. I know, I know, it's not that fishy. And I totally believe you, Jess, when you tell me you like it and that I will too. I am definitely willing to try it again. And I plan to. But last night it just wasn't happening. Maybe it was hormonal, but the smell of the raw fish made me gag and I could barely stand to handle it to put it in the oven, let alone eat it. What a baby, right? I cooked it anyway, thinking maybe I'd taste it once it was done and like it. But I knew it wasn't happening. I made an egg and bacon sandwich while the fish cooked. :) I'm such a wuss.
I cooked it through, though, and saved it for Kevin who said he might reheat it today for lunch. It looked tasty when it was done cooking but I was already so over it, mentally, that there was no hope for me.
I still had a spinach salad, which was delicious and filling. And then my 1 egg, low-sodium bacon, half a piece of cheese sandwich on spelt bread. It was very delicious and I enjoyed my dinner very much. (Probably mostly because it meant I was one step closer to dessert.)
I puttered around a bit after that, doing some dishes, playing with the cats, organizing some paperwork, and watching TV. When I finally couldn't distract myself any longer, I prepared my dessert.
Let me just tell you that it was one of the most enjoyable flavor explosions I've experienced in a while. It was a delicious, decadent dessert that tasted heavenly, was all-natural, all made with ingredients I could pronounce, and took a while to eat. Also, I had the points to spare from my two workouts of the day. And it was a wonderful reward.
Here it is, on my lap on the couch, looking unfortunately unappealing due to being semi-eaten and the pic being from a low-quality camera:

I know it looks a little weird, but I still had to show you. It was about 3/4 of a cup of organic coffee ice cream (this was so good and made the dish), sprinkled with cappucino flavored wafers that I received in a package from my dad, along with half of a caramel pecan brownie that was rich and to die for. And then! To top it off! I made some gourmet hot cocoa that my dad also sent. Just a tiny cup of it for about 1 point. But it tasted like a chocolate dream. Perhaps I'm gushing now, but I was in heaven. Just to reitterate. Heaven.
ANYWAY. After that, I did a little emailing, had a small handful of nuts, then snuggled onto the couch (decided to fall asleep watching TV until Kevin came home - makes the house feel less scary), and drifted off.
He woke me up when he got home around 2 and brought me into the bedroom. I woke up again at 5:55am to more bad cramps (I'd forgotten to take advil before going to sleep), so I got up to take some meds, feed the cats, and then Kevin woke up too. We ended up laying there chatting for a good 35 minutes around 6am. We were both feeling restless and not super sleepy. He rubbed my lower back for a while, which was so soothing and wonderful because my insides felt really sore. I finally fell asleep and got another hour and a half before waking up for good.
It's CHILLY today! I woke up a bit late and had to rush around but I still made it to work on time with my gym clothes, lunch, and afternoon snack all in tow. I had a yummy filling breakfast and just now finished part 1 of my lunch, a spinach salad with feta and cranberries. I feel pretty satisifed from it so I think I'll head to the gym shortly for a light lifting session before I eat part 2, which is beef chili with light sour cream and organic multigrain tortilla chips. This afternoon's snack will be a carrot, some hummus, and a small truffle for a sweet treat.
Wednesdays are one of my long cardio days, usually, so I'm going to go back to the gym after work tonight to get in a good 60 minutes of whatever kind of cardio I'm feeling up to. I've already planned out my dinner, since I have an improv show tonight at 9:30 and I anticipate it being a late night. I'm going to have a slice of pizza after my workout, maybe an apple or a banana, and I plan to have a couple beers at the bar tonight. I rarely go out with my friends after these Wednesday night shows, since it's a school night, but I think I might do so tonight. And I've also alotted points to eat the other half of my decadent brownie when I get home tonight. We'll see how it all plays out, but that's the idea for now.
It's so exciting to me that I get to have pizza, beer, and maybe a small brownie tonight and that that's STILL within my "diet." I will have done the exercise to earn it, I will have eaten plenty of other healthy things during the day to counteract it, and it's not even going to cost me too much in the calorie department. This is the life.
I'm looking forward to the weekend. I think it will include a little bit of everything: a party, maybe two parties (one that I'm really excited about), some alone time (Kevin's taking a class on Saturday), some outdoor exercise (I WILL do a long run outside this weekend. Can't wait.), perhaps some cooking, and also, the best part: my cutie boyfriend has arranged for us to rent a car and drive upstate to see the fall foilage! We use a service called zip car, which makes it super super easy to rent a car; you literally just reserve the car online, go to a parking garage or street location near your house, swipe your membership card over a thing on the inside of the car which unlocks the car, and then you get in and go! That's the ENTIRE rental process. No joke. You can rent it for an hour, for a day, however long you want. And it's cheap. And they pay for the fucking gas. Crazy. We've used it a lot since the service came out a year or so ago. Anyway, I told him I really wanted to drive out of the city to look at the trees before they changed too much or it got too cold but I was hemming and hawing about spending the money and when to go, etc., so he just decided - he booked us for this Sunday and said we can drive up, look around, maybe find an apple orchard, stop at the big mall, and find a place to have dinner. Adorable and fun. Can't wait. I love him for arranging it and I LOVE the fall.
Off to the gym!
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