Wednesday, November 05, 2008

President Elect Barack Obama!!!

All is well with me, I've just been super busy lately, which is why I haven't been posting. And this post will be really quick because I have to leave work for the day shortly.

I just want to say how thrilled, excited, and moved I am by the fact that this country elected Barack Obama yesterday. I have believed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, since before the primaries that this man was the man for the job. Hilary Clinton said it best when she said that what America needs right now is a transformational figure and that Obama can be that for us. She's right. That figure is this man. And I could not be happier.

It was a blessing and an honor to be a New Yorker last night. This city celebrated with such fierce joy and elation that I will never in my life forget. When the networks announced that he'd won, everyone at the gathering at my apartment began to cheer, and then we went outside only to hear other people screaming and cheering from inside their houses. And then everyone began to pour into the streets. And this happened all across the city. What the unfolded was basically the biggest party this town has ever seen. I high-fived, hugged, and grinned at so many people last night. There was such an excellent sense of community to discover how badly we wanted the same thing and how happy we all were to have achieved it. It felt like the world experienced a shift in those moments. And it was striking.

I've blogged this on my regular blog (link on the right), and retold it to several people today, but I have to write it here too: Voting on Tuesday in a predominantly black neighborhood was awesome, watching grandsons wheel their grannies up to the polls to vote the first black president into office was awesome, partying, cheering, and celebrating with my best friends and in Brooklyn, NY was awesome, but one of the loveliest moments of all for me was this morning: I stopped at the deli to get a coffee and an old black woman with a cane hobbled in at the same time. She was there to buy a newspaper with Barack Obama's face on the cover. And as she paid for her newspaper, she started to sing "This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it."

I'll never forget it.


On a totally separate and completely meaningless-in-comparison Weight Watcher note, all is well with that too. I ate A LOT last night at my election party - I guess when I wrote it all down it wasn't that bad, but I was beyond stuffed once everyone finally left our apartment. Plenty of chips, dip, and alcohol. Plus other crap. But I'm back on it today, had a great week last week (6 days of working out - nice), the scale has been rewarding me, and I feel good.

And my 28th birthday! Is on Friday! I'm doing drinks out tomorrow night with friends and a full-day of whatever we please with Kevin on Friday. (I took the day off work.) So if I overeat a little this week, I'll live. ;) However after last night's festivities, I could easily see myself going light for a few days. And I've got a bunch of workouts planned for the rest of the week, all of which I'm looking forward to executing.

To sum up: I'm exhausted, I've been so busy, I'm excited to turn 28, I'm happy with my weight, and I'm so thrilled about our new President. :)

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