I spent the entire morning under the assumption that today is Thursday. It's not.
My roommate has pneumonia. He's been bed ridden for ten days in a row. One of the tvs in our house has therefore been playing a great deal of Law & Order: SVU, Law & Order: Criminal Intent (woot!), Extreme Makeover, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, and The View.
My cat, Floyd, has recently lost weight due to a new diet we've put him on. (The less food diet.) Since the weight loss, he looks like a goddammed super model. I'm not kidding. He's gorgeous. He's sleek. It's agonizingly adorable.
I exercise. Regularly. It's nice. But tell that to my right-ass-cheek-meets-upper-thigh-perhaps-hamstring. He has this to say about exercise: "It's not all it's cracked up to be."
Two of my friends who are slightly older than I am have no idea who Jem is. Two of my friends who are my exact age know exactly who she is. Who dropped what ball?
Eggs. Regularly eaten here.

I'm so glad that I found your new spot! Welcome to blogger. :-)
Oh! and I also spent most of today thinking it was Thursday.
So far I've been spending all of today feeling like it's Wednesday meself (but then, maybe that's just me...)
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