Thursday, September 14, 2006

Oooof, I'm sleepy. After a night of delicious, magical improv performed by some of my very favorites, I stayed out way too late.

I did get to have a nice chat with a drunk Irishman who was visiting New York on business with his twenty-something drunker Asian butt buddy in tow. This Irishman said some very interesting things to me, including, "You should go by Jenifer, not Jen. You're selling yourself short. You have a very intense mouth." Call me crazy, but BANG. Dead Irish guy.

It's gonna be a busy weekend full of performance watching and performance doing and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have it any other way. It's hard being a constantly sought after super star.

1 comment:

Andrew Ironwood said...

You have a very intense mouth.

Which, I suppose, is better than "You shore got a purdy mouth..."

Unless maybe he meant "in tents" -- in which case, that's just *weird*...