I'm hungry. God knows why. I had a fiberous salad from Chipotle at lunch and something with eggs for breakfast. Roar.
Today, I had lunch with two of my closest friends. I live with one, I used to live with the other. Well now all work for the same institution. We've all three known one another since we were wee freshman at NYU, so it's cute how we're still best friends and stuff. They're awesome boys. We sat at lunch today, though, with little to say. After you've known people for a long time, after you've spent hours and hours talking and talking...while sober, while on all sortsa drugs, during class, on the subway, waiting for fireworks to start, waiting to board a plane, in the hospital, from adjoining jail cells...you wind up running out of things to talk about. Rather, you wind up running out of things you feel compelled to talk about. Because you've said it all. And what you haven't said, can wait until you're less sleepy. Of course, we can always count on each other for the occasional politically incorrect, racially inappropriate remark, or the (more-popular) snarky, rude, and belittling remark regarding one anothers' personal existence, sometimes from a religious or racial perspective. I get off easy, though, because one's a gay jew, the other's half black and I'm the white girl. So instead they just tease me about the fact that I used to be fat and have been in therapy for four years. It's really the perfect system.

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