Friday, November 03, 2006


Gonna start titling these suckerz!

I'm trying to smoke less weed.

And now I think to myself, is there anyone who reads this who I don't want to know that I smoke weed?

Nope. No one. Freeing.

Anyway, I'm trying to smoke less of it. And here's a quick tip. If you don't buy it, you can't smoke it. Durrrr.

This morning, at 4:40am, I woke up, put on pants, got into a minivan with my friends Billy and Adam, drove to the West Side to pick up a bunch of bundles of magazines, drove to Valley Stream, Long Island to "dispense" them, stopped at Billy's parent's house for orange juice and conversation, and drove back to the city. Many laffs were had. Then I got home to queens at 11:30am and zzzzzzzzzz'd. We got paid a lot of money, relatively speaking, to complete this task.

I'm going to the gym at 6pm. I AM. I really am.

I'll be 26 in 4 dayz.


Anonymous said...

Kind of like...

"I'm trying to drink less wine."

Stop buying it, duh.

"I'm trying to eat less pizza."

Stop ordering it, shithead.

Good luck. I could never do weed. I'm great at overeating and being tired and dopey without any herbal assistance. ;-)

Andrew Ironwood said...

You also have to avoid friends who want you to smoke *with* them so they can write *their* habit off as 'social use' [which is how I stayed stoned for over a decade without spending more than $20 lifetime on the stuff meself...]