Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I helped my good friends, Clayton and Carla, move yesterday and they didn't have a TON of stuff so we decided that just the three of us would provide plenty of man-power. We got it all done in a relatively short amount of time, but dammit if my whole entire body doesn't wanna kill all of you. Sorry.

It was fun, though, to be all super physical for a few hours, which apparently really takes your mind off everything else except for "OhmygodIthinkmythighsfelloffbackthere!" and my friend Carla gave me a really really nice and thoughtful gift at the end of the day for helping them. Their new apartment is gorgeous (if not up three flights of stairs - mythighs!) and we all earned the two cans of Bud Light that we downed when it was over. Then I went over to another friend's house who was cooking dinner when I walked in the door and it smelled like a home. We ate and chatted and hung out and he has too much left over Halloween candy. A lovely day, frankly.

I'm feeling a lot better than I was over the weekend. I think a weekend of partying due to a birthday, although great fun, can really make you feel like a loser when you don't have a job to back it all up with.

BUT, I signed up at a temp place yesterday and I have another interview tomorrow and I feel like things might start coming together soon. Awesome. I'd love to have something permanent before Thanksgiving so my grandmother doesn't keel over when I tell her I left my last job.

Pretty sure that lady's gon' keel over. She loved my last job. I think she's gonna be pissed. Needless to add, I haven't told her yet.

Today!: exercise, grocery shop, rehearse, watch comedy.

I've been sleeping in WAY too late. I got home at 4am last night. Q Train, you are my nemesis.

Things are on the up and up, people. It turns out, if you just shut up about it, you start to feel bettah. Hmph.

Anyone wanna watch The Little Mermaid with me? I got the DVD version for my b-day. Colorful!

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