My cat aggressively bit my ear on Sunday morning when I picked him up to say hello. It hurt so much, he held on for so long, that I flung his humongous body off my head as soon as I could regain control of the situation (human = I'm in charge....test me again you little fucker...), slammed the bedroom door in his face, and proceeded to burst into tears. It. HURT. Plus he's my loving kitty baby so this was shocking and emotional.
I'm not sure if my panicking caused him to bite me more than the playful ear nibbles he usually doles out. My ears were cold because I'd just been outside so when he started to nibble I freaked out. So maybe I actually made it worse by grabbing his muzzle. Maybe I actually helped apply some of the pressure myself. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't my fault. I'm pretty sure I actually had to PULL his HEAD off my HEAD. Death defying.
He broke skin in two places and it bled for a while. Now it's infected, despite my efforts to the contrary, and it's all red and tender and hot to the touch and is killing me. I'm popping advil and using neosporin with pain relief which is my new favorite cream substance. Take the pain away, topical analgesic. Take it away. So that was traumatic for everyone and the little bean apologized later with some light mewing and a few kisses and licks on my hands and face. Too little too late, Beelzebub.
Tonight will be low key. I'll go to the gym after work and then I'll go home and spend some time with my cat. I get it, Floyd. But next time, use your words.
(So what. It's dramatic for affect. Because I'm dramatic. For affect.)
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