Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I fit into a pair of jeans this morning that I used to wear a lot when I was at my thinnest (ten pounds ligher than now...ish...). Woot! I was sure they wouldn't fit, took them out of the drawer, sized them up against my body in the mirror first, said, "No way this is gonna happen," and then pulled them on! No huge deal, but a nice mini victory.

Also - had a really good OP (that means "on point" for those non-WWers) day yesterday overall. I got in a small light-lifting workout, even though the entire time I was walking to the gym I was almost daring myself to turn around and skip it. I don't know why, for some reason I just didn't want the hassle of the whole thing and I only had my hour long lunch break to get there, change clothes, workout, change back, and walk back. But I decided to just shut up and go. Glad I did. Feeling nice and sore today. I ate well yesterday - had an early lunch of a lowfat hamburger on a whole wheat bun that I brought to work from home and then an early dinner of a salad. Then I went to HST practice, and THEN! To see The Dark Knight with a whole bunch of friends. It was great. I had a lot of fun, even though I was hiding in Kevin's sleeve for 3/4 of the movie because if you so much as jump out at me on screen I'm done for. But it was a wild ride, lots of fun, the whole crowd loved it, and the popcorn and chocolate I had (my friend Adam's new girlfriend Maggie brought gourmet chocolates for everyone from a shop she works at - OMG so so good) was just enough to satisfy my snackie movie needs. And then I was done eating it because I was full and felt filled with sugar and salt. And that was that.

I'm feelin good lately. Been getting sleep, being healthy, avoiding too much partying. It feels nice.

Gonna try to get a bit more focused at work and see if I can maintain it. I love to surf the damn web all day long and it's no good for morale, frankly.

That's it. That's the update.

Hoping to get a quick run in at lunch today. If I don't, no big deal, but hoping to make it happen. (Sweet Kev did laundry yesterday so I have clean gym clothes! Yesss!) And I'll go out for din with Kev tonight before our improv show - hopefully we'll end up somewhere healthy.


Foo said...

Yay for fitting back into your jeans. I definitely want to see Dark Knight, but I feel my head will be buried too. Have a great run!

Emily Canady said...

Love it when I suprisingly fit into something that I think there is no possible way it can be done. Way to go... and I'm dying to see Dark Knight myself, so going to have to do that soon.