Thursday, September 04, 2008


Only a 20 more minutes left before I leave work for the day. Wahooo! Let's see if I can bang out a quick post.

Last night was lovely. I needed an evening completely to myself, as things are going to be gearing up for me very soon. I skipped my improv show, informed the necessary parties, and went to the gym. I did a good 40 minutes on the treadmill, sweating buckets for most of it. I ran for 30 straight and then hiked for the last 10. It was tough to get going into the run, but after a while I felt good and probably would have done another 20 minutes of walking/running had I had time. But my yoga class was beginning upstairs so I had to rehydrate and make my way up there. (My new running shoes are wonderful, btw.)

The class was GREAT. I was glad because I've had a couple disappointing class experiences lately. It was really hard, there were a handful of things I couldn't do at all, and a few things I eagerly attempted only to be gently reminded by my body that huh-uh, not happenin'. But it's something to work towards!

My gym has a several different kinds of yoga classes. There are the easier classes (Hatha yoga) and the ones that are mostly standing poses and therefore harder (Vinyasa) and there are a few other kinds too that I can't remember now, including one called "Club Yoga" which sounds like it's more of a gym class than a yoga class. Last night's class was Vinyasa, and was the first time I'd attempted that class. The few classes I've taken since I started going to regular yoga classes after my back went out a few weeks ago have all been Hatha. So last night, although certainly harder, was a lovely change. And I really liked the teacher too. Unfortunately, I am always occupied on Wednesday nights at 830, when she teaches this class. But I'm hoping to call the gym and find out other times she teaches. It was a pleasant experience. I'm quite sore today. And I feel good. And slim!

After the gym, I went to the grocery store. Debated about it back and forth for quite a while, but finally just decided to go grab a few items. I made a mad dash through the place, the shelves were EMPTY because it was so late in the day (945pm or so), but I still managed to load myself down with more to carry than is humanly sane. The trip home (walk to the subway from the store, down the stairs, through the station, up the stairs at my station, and home) was painful to say the least. My arms were in full out fatigue mode and I'm afraid I undid any good posture or body alignment I had goin on after yoga. I tried to keep my abs tight and my breath fluid while I lugged-500-pounds around the streets of the city. Why I did not take a cab, I do not know. (Yes I do. Why am I gonna shop at Trader Joe's in an effort to save money if I'm just gonna blow the savings on a $20 cab ride back to Brooklyn. ROAR! LIFESTYLE!)

I got home, did the whole refridgerator empty and restock dance, did the dishes, cleaned up, and heated myself up some frozen thing because I just didn't have the energy. I turned on the RNC, had to turn it off because of crazy-making, and had a glass of wine while watching scrubs.

I was so close to having a perfectly OP evening and turning into bed when my darling BF called, slightly tipsy, and said he was coming home from the bar (that he went to after the improv show). And would I wait up for him? I wasn't so tired, so I said sure.

Welllllll, he got home, I ate six points more of stupid shit I didn't need (pistachios, two tiny cookies, and a bite of carrot bread) and went to bed at 245am! WHAT! I don't know how it happened. We were having fun watching some show on dateline about prostitutes (ha) and chatting. I was so fucking tired this morning. And so fucking pissed that I'd snacked when I wasn't hungry and ruined my otherwise great day. Whatever. Live and learn. And go to sleep when you think you should.

Of course I'm paying for it today. Work has been a struggle because I'm so tired! I must have whatever gene it is that causes one to feel really uncomfortable when one hasn't had enough sleep get the idea.

But I've got nothing going on tonight and I think I'm opting out of a workout, unless I experience some divine energy burst when I get home and Kevin and I go for a walk before dinner. We're probably gonna go out tonight, date night! Just to dinner somewhere and hopefully back home for some couch time. I already warned him that I'm not gonna be good for more than a few hours tonight. I feel bad to abandon him for my sleep schedule but what can you do.

I hope to wake up a bit early tomorrow to prep some breakfast and lunch for the day. I was in such a hazy daze this morning I forgot all the brilliant plans I had for bringing things in from home to eat at work and grabbed other totally weird stuff that I ended up not wanting at all when I got here.

Bitch bitch bitch, yeah? I'm tired!

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