And then Kevin said, "Tell them you'll show them what else is high, an hour and twenty minutes later."
So I have this bizarre crampy type thing going on in the ol' womb. And my period has already ended for the month (sorry, Keith*) so it seems suspicious. Perhaps I'm not drinking enough water. And my joints ache in weird places. I mean....does this spell terminal disease? No.
Being back in a work routine is nice. It certainly takes my mind off the bigger issues like Being Crazy and Being Neurotic and Inflicting My Crazy Neuroses On People Who Don't Realize It's Too Late For Their Timely Escape.
I'm still learning the ropes of the new gig, naturally, and it all seems pretty simple. I REALLY don't wanna screw it up. But I also REALLY wanna check my email sometimes. Right? I think the big main boss man comes back tomorrow. Nervy about that. Hope I don't trip. Feck.
Oh! Oh! AND. Did anyone see Oprah yesterday? Because it was about teens. And it was moving. And I actually stayed up to watch it on the tivo last night and cried like a little tiny baby. It was moving. Fuh rilz.
So I'm considering venturing out of my comfort zone and making plans with someone that I kinda don't wanna make plans with only for fear it will mess up other stuff in my life. But doesn't that just seem like crazytown? Make the plans, right? Let stuff get messed up, right?
My womb hurts.
*It dawned on me, Keith, that besides my friend Ian (hi, Ian), you're the only boy I know of who reads this blog but doesn't necessarily want to hear about my menstrual cycle. Now, that statement implies that there are boys who read this blog who want to hear about my menstrual cycle. And I would argue that,yes, there are. Clayton. That said, I just don't want to upset your delicate sensibilites. Or give you any further insight into issues relating to my womb than you already received last night. WHEN WE DID AN IMPROV SCENE ABOUT GETTING PREGNANT, PEOPLE! God, you guys are sickos.

no acronym bullshit. i laughed aloud.
FIne....I'll listen to you talk about your menstrual cycle.....just spare me the Oprah talk.
For a minute there, I was really scared that the picture of your cat was going to be a picture of an ultrasound.
Whew, okay. I'm better.
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