Wednesday, January 24, 2007

the pleasant hum of a routine

I got paid today, my third reasonably sized paycheck since my return to the work force. And even though all of the money I've made so far is already allotted to debts I wracked up, public and private, while unemployed; and even though I don't yet have quite enough money to pay back those whom I've agreed to pay back by when I've agreed to pay them back; and even though I can spend basically no dollars and no cents between now and sometime in February, I still feel a sense of abundance and responsibility that I haven't felt in a while. If something horribly awful happened.......I'd be able to take a cab to it. Ya know? So...that's gotta count for something. It brings me back to a sense of semi-security that I was completely without for two solid months. Additionally, I feel some true pride at the fact that I haven't squandered away the money I've been making, which is owed to other places, on crap for myself like beers and cabs. Like, I can go to therapy tonight and hand her a check that won't bounce. Hmm, 26 and still learning to earn more than she spends. Is this America, or what?!?!?!

The blog link on the right called "Arnie" links to a blog that I like a lot. Arnie used to write another blog before he started the one that that link will take you to. The other blog is called "A Year In Pictures Following The Break-Up," and it is fantastic. I've never met Arnie, even though we actually happen to know a few of the same people. He doesn't know me and he probably doesn't know I link his blog to mine. (Now it's creepy.) Anyway, my friend Sarah (also linked on the right) recommended his blog to me a few months ago. If you've never read it, I suggest you try it out. You can get there from his current blog. Start at the beginning. I spent yesterday at work re-reading it. Because I have nothing to do at this job. And because I'm in love with boys, boys who are capable of falling in love, boys with feelings, boys with cute blogs, improv, Chicago improv, and boys who do Chicago improv. At least for today that's what I'm in love with.

Check back tomorrow, when I'll be in love with any number of other things, most of which will depend on what I watch on tv this evening or whether or not I hear any funny stories about cute things between now and then.

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