Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Those Are Some Boys I Know

I can't get warm enough today. I slept with three comforters last night, I woke up this morning and refused to shower because I couldn't stand the idea of going outside with wet hair oh GOD, and I fatefully discovered a space heater (Space heater, Sarah! I just remembered what they're called!) under my desk that has become my new best friend, mother figure, and life partner in a matter of hours. I'm really easy to get to know if you're heating my office area with warmth.

I'm not feeling as fat as I felt yesterday. An hour of cardio helped. It's really funny (sad?) (sort of a mental illness?) that the difference of 3 or 4 pounds can instantly take me from feeling normal to feeling obese. I don't think I've ever had a normal body image thang goin' on. And you throw two breast reduction surgeries and a 100+ pound weight loss into mix...fuhgettaboutit.

I'm looking forward to spending a night with myself. I had some mixups at the bank which means my delicious paycheck isn't available until tomorrow, so an evening at home sounds just about right. I have rehearsal until 8:30. After that, I think I'll head home, find some supper, tidy up my bedroom, light some incense, put on whatever good program I have tivoed, and pour myself a glass of wine to enjoy. Oh feck, I need to do laundry. I forgot. Okay, so Do Laundry. Then all the rest of that stuff. Maybe I'll drink the wine while doing the laundry. Ohh, look at this little plan shaping up.

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