1. I am easily crazy. EASILY. It's just a matter of a few uncomfortable events and BAM, crazytown. I mask it really well. And then sometimes I don't. But my closest friends and confidants know the whole truth. And I'm willing to accept that they hate me a little bit for it. It's only fair.
2. My therapist would take umbrage with almost all of the above sentence. Eff that.
3. Level 5 class show tonight. Great, fine, letsdoit. I'll wear this ol' thang.
4. When you exercise, you feel better. It's like math.
5. It's COLD here. Fine, it's not that cold, everybody stop yelling. But I find it COLD. Okay?! Can't I be my own person?! Gawd.
6. Cats = exactly.
7. I've been getting plenty of sleep lately. That's WONderful.
8. Keith. We're getting married. You and me. Tonight's the rehearsal dinner.
9. Bye !

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