This means that tomorrow, my weigh-in will probably be unfavorable.
Good god, I actually feel dizzy right now and slow like I'm on some kind of drug. Isn't the female body funny?
So. Let's see if I can attempt to put words together and form a cohesive thought.
Great weekend to recap. Friday night: I made guacamole and chicken quinoa salad (recipe courtesy of my friend Jess) to have throughout the week, then Kevin and I went for a 60 minute walk around the park together, which was very nice, despite the fact that we were having a bicker for most of the walk ;). Then we came home and got dressed and headed into Manhattan (after grabbing some pizza slices on the way) for a friend's birthday gathering. We weren't there too long at all because shortly after we arrived, said friend started organizing the bill-pay and rounding everyone up to leave. He was heading to Burning Man early the next morning and seemed a bit drunk/anxious about getting home to bed at a reasonable hour. Kev and I were in a cab and home basically 2 hours after we left the house. It was funny. We crashed into bed, I believe.
Saturday: Woke up early to do some things around the house and prepare to go to the beach. I made a picnic lunch (chicken salad sandwiches, fresh fruit, carrots, trail mix, potato chips, and some dark chocolate) and we gathered up our towels and reading material. But then we ended up having to wait around for something for Kevin's current project (which ends this week! wahoo!!!) to come through. It didn't happen until much later than we'd expected, so we got a much later start on the beach day. I didn't mind that much because I had been feeling a bit stressed the night before about some unfinished chores and I was able to tackle most of those while we waited around. Once we got to the beach (and ran into some people Kevin knows from work) we were only on the sand about an hour (!) before we had to turn right back around. Major bummer. We didn't even get to go in the water. But it wasn't all bad - we had to leave early because we had a date to go see our friends' new baby! Naturally, we arrived late to that date, because Kevin's project held us up AGAIN when we stopped at home to shower and change. (I can't tell you how thrilled we will both be when this project is out of our lives.) But it turned out okay. When we arrived to the new parents' house, two of Kevin's other good friends were also there visiting the baby, so it ended up being a nice intimate evening of catching up and seeing the babe. We shared some expensive champagne (which I promptly spilled all over myself, much to the irritation of the host who opened the expensive champagne, I'm sure) on the roof top of their beautiful apartment building in Brooklyn, with the most amazing views of the city. And then it was getting chilly and the baby was looking hungry, so we went inside and camped out on the couch for a little while longer. I had a few more drinks (the new dad is a guy with a gift for hosting people at his home...and I always leave there drunk) while we watched some Olympics. I got to hold the little girl when she was done nursing, and it was, of course, to die for.

She was precious and perfect and it felt so lovely to have a newborn in my lap. I'm not ready for that myself anytime soon, but her little, tiny, warm body was like a drug. She was to die for.
We left shortly after that, after Kevin held her for a little while. The other friends who were also there were heading into Manhattan to get some dinner before they drove home (they live in Jersey) so we ended up joining them. We didn't have plans to do anything other than find our own supper, so this worked out perfectly. They're great people and we had such a nice, unexpected evening with them. We went to a great Italian place in the city where I had some sangria, and was definitely fully tipsy by the end of the evening. My meal was delicious too. ;) Crashed into bed again that night.
Sunday: Up early yet again so Kev could get going with his project check-in (even on Sundays, yup) and I could get us ready to go to the pool! Wahoo! Our friends Randy and Beth were meeting us at our house around 10:15 so we could head over together in a car service car. They arrived a little early, we were still finishing up our breakfast smoothies (got sick of eggs that morning), so we chatted a bit while Kevin finished up his work and then we packed it up for the pool. We spent a lovely morning there, and left around 2 or so to get some food at the park across the street where there are tons of local food vendors selling the most amazing authentic, ethnic foods ever. We made it home around 4pm and I promptly fell fast asleep for two hours! Kev worked while I napped. When I woke up we went for a quick run, then I made some dinner, watched, tv, and put myself to bed while he worked all night long. He didn't finish until 1am. On a SUNDAY. Crazytown. I don't even remember him climbing into bed. I was OUT.
I woke up this morning feeling totally exhausted. Grrr. I tried to do my get-up-closer-to-8am routine but it wasn't happening. I was so beat for some reason. I think this PMS might be the culprit.
I did feel refreshed though, in terms of my great weekend. It was a really nice few days filled with all the summery things I've been wanting to do lately. We got to see some people we haven't seen in a long time on Friday night. On Saturday we got to see a newborn! And some more people we haven't seen in a long time. And we had such a nice dinner with our friends. And Sunday was just a great relaxing time all-around. Plus the beach and the pool! Plus! I was able to prepare a few meals, put together some meals to have for the week, organize our kitchen a little bit, unclutter the house and do some light cleaning, and it left me generally feeling a bit more organized.
This morning I made a meal plan for the week. We're going out of town to Chicago for the long weekend so I want to be sure to use up all our perishables before we go away. So I planned out my meals and what I'll try to make for dinner this week. There's a good chance Kev will be working even later nights this week since they're delivering this project on Thursday, I believe. So I'm going to try to do as much housework on my own as I can so he doesn't have to worry about it. Plus, I love coming home after a weekend away to a clean house.
I also planned out my workouts for this week, a couple classes, a lifting session, and some running. I just wanted to feel organized and not worried about fitting in enough time for myself on this last week of the summer.
Hoped to get in a quick run during my lunch break today but I wasn't feelin it so in keeping with my new life plan of slowing down, I decided to skip it. I went out and bought some fresh produce instead.
I have improv practice tonight, which is a shame because I'm currently starving (despite having just had a snack) and exhausted. I'd love to go straight home. But it's not an option.
Excited to see my mom and my family this weekend! And to be away from home, able to relax, and vacate.
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