Friday, January 12, 2007


Kevin got a new cat!

I've been sitting on this information for several days now because he very specifically directed me not to "steal his thunder" by announcing this to our mutual friends before he did. I inadvertently told MY (and his - fine.) friend Sara about it and he almost hurt himself reeling from the sheer agony and disappointment of what I'd done, so I vowed to be x about it until he'd been able to get the word out himself. I'm like a goddammed saint.

But I think he's offically told people, including Ian, for whom I was most concerned about ruining the surprise. You know, since you're such a surprise-whore, Ian. Especially when fuzzy pets are involved.
Anyway, here're three (KRG) photos of the little peanut. His name is Chaucer and he's very very sweet and loving and a little skiddish but I think he'll get over that. Now, these are cute photos, but dare I say, he's much more adorable in person.

Yay cats!!! I love when my friends get cats! Everybody! Get some cats!

Wook at da sweet babee faaaace, awwwww...


JessiferSeabs said...

Aw, now THAT is cute.

Your cat is pretty, BTW -- she looks like the feline version of Gracie. :-)

Christine said...

Orange Male cats have fabulous personalities in my experience!!