Thursday, October 19, 2006

I haven't posted in a few days because being jobless has a nice relaxing hum to it. No need to interupt that with unnecessary blogging.

I'm watching Martha Stewart's show right now and Rod Stewart was just on singing some awful bullshit song that made me want to poke out an eye. Phew, we're at commercial now. Phew.

Alright, so what HAVE I been doing. Well, I'll tell you. And I'll tell you first that it's not half bad. I've been hangin out. I've been tying up loose ends. I've been dealing with the details of being fired like putting together a loose budget for myself so I don't overspend the money I have, telling my mom and dad I got fired, updating my resume, and generally getting organized. Perhaps I'll start applying for some jobs later today. Perhaps not. This has been a week of vacation and I needed it.

I've also been reading and doing crosswords and seeing comedy shows and having drinks and having nice chats with good friends and having dinner and watching tv and listening to music. It's been excellent.

I'm gonna keep takin it real easy for a few days. I'm really enjoying where I am right now, mentally, which is in a pretty zen place. And it doesn't hurt that I just bought my very first copy of the Tao.


Anonymous said...

That sounds... heavenly, actually, and made me realize how badly I am in need of a few days off. I'll need to work on that...

If you are reading the Tao, pick up a copy of the Chuang Tzu:

I studied this in college and it is quite fascinating. In fact, you've reminded me that I should read it again because it embraces a philosophy of "inaction" that is quite... calming, actually. "The way of nature."

Anonymous said...

That sounds... heavenly, actually, and made me realize how badly I am in need of a few days off. I'll need to work on that...

If you are reading the Tao, pick up a copy of the Chuang Tzu:

I studied this in college and it is quite fascinating. In fact, you've reminded me that I should read it again because it embraces a philosophy of "inaction" that is quite... calming, actually. "The way of nature."

Anonymous said...

That sounds... heavenly, actually, and made me realize how badly I am in need of a few days off. I'll need to work on that...

If you are reading the Tao, pick up a copy of the Chuang Tzu:

I studied this in college and it is quite fascinating. In fact, you've reminded me that I should read it again because it embraces a philosophy of "inaction" that is quite... calming, actually. "The way of nature."

Anonymous said...

That sounds... heavenly, actually, and made me realize how badly I am in need of a few days off. I'll need to work on that...

If you are reading the Tao, pick up a copy of the Chuang Tzu:

I studied this in college and it is quite fascinating. In fact, you've reminded me that I should read it again because it embraces a philosophy of "inaction" that is quite... calming, actually. "The way of nature."

Anonymous said...

Apparently I just realllllly wanted you to read this comment. WTF?! I don't even know how that happened. Sorry!