Friday, October 06, 2006

Today is my adorable mom's adorable birthday. She's a young 45 years old today. I love you, Mom! Even though you don't read this or know it exists.

Anyway, I sent her a package including a cat mask, which is a long story, but I know she'll love it. Sometimes she drives me up the FUCKING WALL, but my mom happens to be a really awesome, amazing, beautiful woman. And she smells really good like a mom, like MY mom, and that's all that could ever matter. Happy Birthday, Mama!

In other less pleasant news, I had a bizarre evening, last. I have been a lot happier in the last calendar year, consistently, than I've been since I was a kid. And it's a strange sensation to realize that you rarely feel a depressiveness that you used to feel all the time. When I was working my way through and out of that depression, I spent a lot of time alone. I loved it. I needed it and I preferred to avoid intimacy of any sort with any sort of person. I've quit doing that; I'm now intimate with the best of em. But last night, for some weird reason, I wanted nothing more than to be in that depressed, alone, hiding-away place. Except I couldn't muster the ..what..willpower? to actually act on it. Like, I felt these feelings but couldn't quite bring myself to "medicate" them with the isolating actions I used to rely on.

So instead I went for a run and lifted some weights and then had some Chinese food. And I felt better.

I know what I wrote above might not make complete sense, it doesn't make sense to me either. I've grown out of the kind of depression I used to know, and I have, without even really knowing it, developed a whole new way to cope with the world around me. I spent years in emotional and psychological strife. Then I spent years climbing out of that hole of strife. And now I'm not doing either of those things. I'm not making a mess and I'm not cleaning up a mess. I'm just being Me.

And I love comedy.

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