Sunday, June 17, 2007

And coming up next....!

I got home from Brooklyn around noon this morning and have been doing verrrry little all day long. In fact, aside from exercising for an hour and a half around 8:30 this evening, I have done nothing but sit on my butt and watch delicious television all day long. I've watched three different hour long episodes of The First 48, which rivals only the various SWAT shows (e.g. Dallas SWAT, Kansas City SWAT, Detroit SWAT) in terms of exciting true-crime docu-dramas. Frankly I wish I had three more of those puppies tivo'd. Then I watched a new show called Confessions of a Matchmaker, which was a delight. That woman tells it like it is. She even outted some 41 year old guy who didn't even know he was gay until she set him up with a dude! (He didn't know he was gay, though? Come on.) I most recently just finished an inspired episode of The Best of Bridezillas. O.M.G. Those bitches is crAAAzy. You kinda wonder if the show purposely causes stressful things to happen on these people's wedding days because it's almost too convenient that in every segment, someone's florist just doesn't show up, or someone's mother-in-law is 90 minutes late to the ceremony. Regardless of whether or not these "disasters" are fabricated, the psycho control freak brides flip OUT, big time, and without fail. It's pretty uncomfortable and hideous. If I ever get married and behave even a fraction that crazy, I hope someone would have the good sense to just put me out of my misery right there. Aside from all the miserable female bridezillas, the show featured one male bridezilla, who was marrying his partner. Oh man, that dude had a screw loose. At one point, after deciding that everyone had betrayed him and was trying to steal his spotlight, he was caught wandering from room to room in his apartment yelling "It's MY DAY. This is MY DAY. IT'S NOT MY FAULT. IT'S NOT MY FAULT," over and over. Lord have mercy on us all.

I'm not a big tv watcher. Rarely home, and never home during the good tv hours. But I think I reached my quota for the month today. I've still got three Gene Simmons: Family Jewels tivo'd that I haven't watched yet, and two movies at my beck and call should I so choose. Also, I'm saving that Bridezillas show for Daniel. That gay needs to see it.

>runs back to indented spot on couch, returns remote to gentle resting place in right hand<

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