Wednesday, June 11, 2008

down down down

The scale's going down. I lost another 1.4 this past week. Grand total of 7 pounds since I recommitted. Pretty cool.

I mentioned to Kevin last night that I'm really not thinking about food that much right now. Something shifted for me several weeks back and I started forgetting to eat as often and hadn't been sitting down to update my points except once a day. I also just started reaching for things that were healthier and I needed a lot less food to feel like I was finished eating, etc. etc. Overall, there's just been less focus on food in my life, naturally. I'm just not that into it right now. (I'll take that while I can...) It's just part of the practice makes progress idea for me. You get to a point, when you're trying to make changes to your eating habits, where you've moved to the 'next level' of things, where ever that might be for you. Early on in my weight loss journey, I went from the 'level' of eating smaller portions of the same things I ate when I was fat, to the 'level' of actually desiring more nutritious foods. Both ways of eating allowed me to lose weight, but it was obvious to me (and apparently to my body) that a natural next step was to eat healthier, not just less. But it really did happen naturally, it wasn't something I forced.

And that's happened in different increments throughout, for me. At some point I decided I craved more veggies. Then I stopped eating fast food entirely. Then I quit drinking diet soda. But again, these weren't necessarily things I was consciously deciding to do, they just sort of came about as I listened to my body. And right now is kind of the same. I'm not that hungry, I feel sick when I get full so I avoid being stuffed, I want light foods and things that will satisfy me for several hours. I'd rather have some water than a snack, most times, and I am just generally not craving stuff. So I'm listening to my body and choosing not to play my anxieties out through my eating and rather feed myself what I'm desiring when I desire it.

Of course, the reverse happens sometimes too. I start craving MORE food, salty stuff, followed by sweet. I become constantly hungry, always searching for a snack. I'm sure the seasons have something to do with it. And god knows the heat wave (100+ with the heat index) we've had here in the last week has sworn me off anything but water and a nap. Anyway, it's all very interesting.

I didn't get in the exercise I wanted to last week. My mom and grandmother were visiting for the weekend and I forgot to factor that in when I set my goal of 4 cardio sessions. It just wasn't logistically feasible. But I did do 2 cardio sessions and 2 lifting/pilates sessions. It was nice.

I'm going to go today and lift on my lunch break. The cardio will have to come later in the week. There's just no TIME! I'm busy with so much these days, I can't even begin to tell you. Plus today is Kevin's birthday! (Aww..) So the long workout will have to wait.

Feelin good. Have this weird nausea going on for a few days now (also contributing to my lack of food desire) so I'm hoping that will leave me soon, but otherwise, feelin good. ;)

1 comment:

Emily Canady said...

I totally totally relate to everything you said in this post. Its completely true- the very beginning I always eat the same bad foods- just less of them, and then slowley transition to wanting and craving healthier foods. I couldn't have said it better. Its the transition between dieting and changing your lifestyle. You nailed it.

Hope you hvae a great weekend and accomplish everything you want~