Monday, October 06, 2008


About to head out to my improv practice but I thought I'd do a quickly quick update.

Great weekend.

Got in a little bit of everything.

Plenty of cardio - went on two awesome runs with Kevin. We had fun and it felt great. I love running with him. He's my pace rabbit.

We got massages and had Thai food on Friday night. (Amazing massage. Changed my life.)

Some family time - his parents came in for dinner on Saturday night (they live in a suburb about 40 minutes outside the city) and to see my HST show. We had a nice time and it was good to see them.

Hung out with the friends a little bit.

Here I am, at a bar on Saturday night with one of my oldest friends, Randy. He and Daniel, my old roommate from before I moved in with Kev this past July, showed up on Saturday night to say hello. A bunch of us were out at the bar after the show. Randy, Daniel, and I don't go out to bars together much so to commemorate the occasion we did a shot of expensive tequila. Oof. But it was a fun night and I only woke up slightly hungover on Sunday.

Sunday night we went to a screening of a TV pilot that a group of our friends made. It was nice to see everyone. After that, HST had a late evening business meeting, which was also nice.

Beyond that, Kev and I bummed around the house a little, had a few meals out, had a few meals in, and enjoyed the newly crisp weather. Good weekend.

Here are our cats hanging out in our apartment:

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