Friday, October 10, 2008


Last night's dinner party was a great time.

And I totally ate and drank a lot.

That was not my plan, naturally. It never is. But as I've said before in these situations and will probably say a thousand times again - it could have been a lot worse.

The food was really delicious. There were lots of different things to choose from, most of which I'd never had before (had dates for the first time!) and PLENTEEEE of wine. I was with a crowd who is more than happy to refill their glasses every ten minutes. And I did not hold back. In fact, since Marina, the woman hosting the dinner (and she did an amazing job) did all the cooking/purchasing of food, all the guests brought wine. And we had a shit load of it. White, red, dessert wines, everything. Every time a bottle was finished, we cracked open a new one. I was basically wasted by the end of the night and around 11:30 I insisted that we head home (I came straight from work, which I left early, so we'd been there all night). I was pretty stuffed - mostly with wine, water, and the gourmet toffee that I was inhaling at the end of the night. It was all really delicious though. And I realized that when one is in that kind of youthful, debaucherous setting, one cannot be expected to have the preplanned two glasses of wine. Nuh-uh.

I think there were only about 10 or 12 of us there and some of the people I'd never met before but a handful of the group were some of my dearest, most favorite friends. These are the people I feel understood by, who I understand, the people I spend a good amount of my freetime with, and people I love to party with.

Kevin, who is 34, and me at almost 28 were easily the oldest people there. This was a young crowd of 22-25 year olds. And it was fun to just not give a fuck and drink and smoke (I had a few drags off a cigarette - it's been years? maybe?) and just sit around and eat good food and laugh. It was a really fun night.

I had a few moments of "Oh god! But the scale!" and then I thought, shut up, you've been working your ass off. Enjoy yourself. So I did.

I didn't get to workout yesterday, after all. I actually packed up my little workout bag, left the office on my lunch break, fully intending to walk to the gym. I actually got halfway there. And then I thought about how I would be forcing some kind of exercise (probably stairmaster, because it would have been all I had time for) into 20 minutes. My lunch breaks are an hour and it takes 30 minutes to travel there, back, and to dress and undress. So I only ever get the other 30 minutes for exercise on a lunch break workout. And yesterday I didn't bring a lunch from home which meant I would have had to spend some of that hour to find some lunch while I was out there walking around. And I wasn't sure if it was worth it to get all sweaty and hungry just for 20 minutes.

It would have made me feel good, that's for sure. But I already had enough guilt about coming in late/leaving early that to add another hour-plus-a-few-extra-minutes of a lunch break into the day would have made me really self-conscious. I also thought, if I get really hungry from this workout and end up going to this dinner starving, I'm going to eat everything in site because I'll think I'm justified in doing so. Maybe if I don't workout I'll be more aware of keeping myself in line.

Not sure if that plan worked or not, but the point is, I did not workout. I'm getting over it. Instead, I went and picked up some adorable birthday cards for some friends who have birthdays coming up and got a light lunch of soup and fruit.

So that's that.

In keeping with my new plan to follow a high point day with a low point day, today is going to have to be a nice intense workout and light on the food. I had egg, bacon, and cheese on an english muffin for breakfast because I was starving and a little hungover, and that will have to be my big meal for the day. I'm thinking veggie-filled salad for lunch and something light where ever we go to dinner tonight. I know I can make it happen. I absolutely can. It's one day. And my body will thank me since I'll be giving it space to burn off the mess I made last night.

I got in bed around 12:45 last night, not terrible. I was worried that I was going to be so hungover today but I actually feel okay. I downed tons of water before bed and had more this morning and am having more now. And the coffee I'm finishing right now and the egg sandwich I ate in an instant this morning both helped.

The workout will have to be on the lunchbreak. There's a chance I can go for a bit longer than the hour today and can get in a nice hard 40 minutes of cardio. Probably stairmaster and fast ellipitical? We'll see. I need it though. I'm going to try to workout while my cousin is here too. I don't think she'll mind.

She comes in tonight! Kevin's picking her up from the airport. I'm excited to show her the city. I asked him if he'd bring her to my office first, which I think she'll think is really cool. I work at a music law firm and we have lots of platinum records hanging on the walls of huge artists posing for their hit albums. It's nothing to a New Yorker, but I think she'll think it's really cool.

Talk to you Monday!

p.s. For myself: This weekend = Lots of walking around being a tourist, a couple workouts when I can squeeze them in, and awareness and attention at every single meal to avoid overeating. Last night was my overeating for the week. Now it's time to pull it in.

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