Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dear Everyone,

I keep hoping to walk into the kitchen at work and find some sweets. There was a fucking box of chocolates in there at 9:20 this morning and they were gone about 12 minutes later. Animals, these people. I just want a little cookie or a chocolate or something sweet and good. But it's mostly just because I'm BORED LIKE A MOROFF. And I even have stuff to do! But I just get a little tickticknuts during these workadays. I think I have ADD. AddledDrugbrainDisease.

Tonight, I shall exercise after le job. Then eat some din and go see a PIT show with Friend Steve. Should be fun. It's too cold to be outside, in my opinion. But I do a lot of opining that nobody wants to listen to, so feel free to just turn away before I finish this sentence. Opine. Opine. Opine.

Dinggggg. Stir crizaaazy.

I'm gonna go in the bathroom and take this godawful nail polish off. This has gone on long enough. While I'm gone, if you could please find me some chocolates, a sweater, a heating pad, and a cat, it would be appreciated.


Cold In New York

p.s. Britney, I don't judge you. I get it. Too bad about those two kids though, that was pretty poor planning.....but I guess your mom can raise 'em, right? Good. Here's $50.

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