Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hot Air

The space heater at my desk just doesn't cut it. After feeling unsatisfied with its performance in the office, I figured I'd try it at home in my bedroom since I'm always freezing at night and warmth is warmth, but roomie and I kept blowing the power when we both had our heaters on. So, once again, I freeze like a little icicle in my bedroom since I brought the heater back to work, where it won't be blowing fuses. (Except for that one time, but I didn't know!) It's still not cutting it, though. I think it would probably have to be an atomic powered fire blazer for me to feel satisfied. I'm freezing. Where's my scarf.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i highly recommend flannel or jersey-knit sheets - they kickass in the winter... and some fleece socks... :o)