Wednesday, March 05, 2008


So I'm going to set some minigoals for this week. I started a new weight watchers week yesterday and it went pretty well until dinner time when I ended up eating a great deal of snacks I'd gotten at the grocery store, in edition to my dinner and a delicious raspberry tart. Yah. They weren't terrible choices, but they weren't great either. And with a day of eating not-tiny meals already behind me, it ended up being a pretty unfortunate food day. But I'm trying lately to be as honest and accurate as possible when noting how many points I've eaten. It's the only way to make changes - to know exactly what needs changing.

I had a good workout yesterday after work, 45 minutes on the treadmill. I hope to go do some weight lifting at lunch today. But good workouts don't make a ton of difference if you're eating twice what you burnt off when it's over. Which is kinda what happened last night. I also felt stuffed, which was no good either. And I woke up this morning with an unfortunate headache that coffee has not shaken. Blech.

Mini goals for this week will include: 4 sessions of cardio, at least 3 servings of fruit and veggies a day, and as-accurate-as-possible food tracking.

The boyfriend is out of town this weekend - I wonder if that will help me to eat less. I have an engagement party to go to on Friday night that will decidedly not help me to eat less. But perhaps I can get away with only eating some. Instead of all.

1 comment:

JessiferSeabs said...

I'm pulling myself up by my bootstraps right now, despite mother nature's desperate attempts to keep me down... yoru goals sound good, realistic, attainable, and healthy...