Friday, March 14, 2008

Good Stuff

Well I got on the scale this morning for a before-vacation-peek and lo and behold it's moving downward at quite a clip. Thank god. This is the drop I've been waiting for. Granted, I don't eat perfectly each week, but I'm eating better than I was before I started back with WW online. And I'm working out harder and more consistenly. It's not quite enough to put up huge numbers each week, but in my mind it was enough to make SOME sort of a dent. And that dent has finally arrived. Like I said, my body does this. Waits and waits and then let's go once it's sure this is our new pattern. It is, Body. It is.

I didn't workout last night, I was so ridiculously tired (from a bizarre inability to sleep the night before) that I went right home, got a manicure for the trip, dropped off my laundry, ate some dinner, and was in bed by 9:15. It was essential. I was supposed to go see a friend's play, but he told me during the day that it started at 7pm, which I hadn't even realized even though I'd been planning to go for weeks. I couldn't go because I don't get out of work until 7. I didn't mind, though. I needed a night to myself. I've eaten rather light dinners the last couple nights...not on purpose, just because I'm not particularly hungry or I don't feel like eating. It's a welcome anamoly. I think opting to eat most of my calories in the earlier/midday part of the day makes a difference for sure. THat's something I'll have to try to keep in mind. I don't need to save as many points for the evening time as I think I do. (Good thing because I rarely end up saving as many as I intend to save anyway.)

Tonight I'm off to Florida. The low scale number and the way my body feels slim and tone and loose in my clothes are all making me feel pretty good and are a great way to start out this vacation. I think it will inspire me to get some exercise and eat reasonably on the trip. Like I said, I don't have a terribly hard time eating well when traveling so hopefully this trip will be no different.

I plan to go get some cardio in at lunch today. Might as well. Then i'll leave the office early, stop home, and hop on a plane around 7pm. The SUN and the warmth and the ocean....I mean, it's essential to my mental health. This trip is coming at a really nice time.

My mini goals for this trip:

exercise at least once, hopefully twice
eat within reason
drink lo-cal alcohol drinks, not 12 point frozen ones

Pretty simple.

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