Thursday, May 08, 2008

I'm one hurtin' puppy today, cats. I'm fucking exhausted right now, to say the least. It's due to a combination of factors that have all gathered together and formed an unfortunate dog-tiredness. And that's a shame on a day like today, which is going to be non-stop. I can only hope that my condition improves before the evening. I'm gonna need some sleep this weekend.

I can honestly say I haven't been tired in this way in months. I've been obsessed with getting plenty of sleep in my old age. In the last year or so I have become practically incapable of staying awake beyond 1am. I used to stay up much later every night; I've always been a night owl. But something has happened as I grow closer to 30 (wow, did I just write that?) and now I'm no good come midnight. And last night I was awake until probably 2:30am. And what would have once been some minor sleepiness the morning following a late bedtime has become a handicap. I'm beat, guys. I'm beat. I would pay anyone cash money to get me a nap.

Improv show last night - it was fun. And then I went to the bar afterwards, had one drink, chatted up a good friend/teammate and we left around 1am. Ugh. Time is a black hole in that bar. Hours can pass in an instant and suddenly you're fucked. But everyone else has to get up and out of the house to work the next morning too, so you justify it that way and you stay another ten minutes/fifty/hundred-twenty minutes longer than you meant to. Aaack.

Kev and I got back to queens, hung with Daniel who had his official graduation from his Masters program yesterday, and finally crashed into bed around 2:10, trying to stay awake to talk about something we wanted to discuss. Our eyes were closed by the time we decided to turn out the light, even though we were both still mumbling. Silly since I can't remember a lick of the conversation now, of course. Sweet Kevin slept in his clothes because he was too tired to take them off. Even the cat was tired.

I woke up this morning, hurting. Headache, fuzzy brain, body exhaustion. I bitched as I woke up, "I hate waking uuuuuup!" outloud to the cat. Lovely, right? Yeah, I'm a lamb. I took some advil, but that's not gonna do much.

Tonight is a big night. It's gonna be a long one too. Tonight Harvard Sailing Team, my sketch group, is hosting a big show/party/event. We're all really excited about it. It's a "Best Of" Show (we've been together for 3 years and have a ridiculous amount of material, so we're doing a bunch of old favorites - and they are sketches that our fans voted into the show - fun!) and a launch party for our brand new fancy website. Also, our good friends, the sketch group Pangea 3000 is opening for us. Also, we're having an open wine bar before during and after the show! It's gonna be nuts.

So basically, after rushing like crazy to get there on time from work, it will be tons of mingling, chatting, smiling and being gracious, followed by an hour long sketch comedy show, which is basically non-stop run run run from the beginning for all of us (sometimes it feels like a light cardio workout to me and this is particularly action packed show because it's a Best Of show), followed by more mingling, chatting, smiling, and drinking wine. Oof. Not to mention, we'll probably have to stick around to clean up after. I have no idea what time I'll pour my body into bed tonight, but I'm certain it won't be as soon as I want it to be.

I'm actually - don't laugh - really looking forward to tonight, despite my terrible 'tude. I love doing big shows like this. And it's even more fun because we're doing material that we all really love and enjoy performing and haven't gotten to perform in years. The audience will be filled with fans and supportive friends, so we will definitely have a blast. I'm sure the energy will be electric. If anything can shake my sleepiness, it's the adrenaline from all that.

I only wish I'd gone to bed at 9pm last night. Ah well. Live and learn. And then sleep it off.

Besides my late night last night, yesterday was intense in its own right. I ate really well all day, lots of fruits and veggies and barely went over points (just over by 2 at the end of the night with my gin and soda at the bar), so that was great. But I also worked out. Twice! I went for my Central Park run at lunch, which was lovely, but also really hard because it was 80 degrees here yesterday. So I was really pushing through it and I was really drained when it was over. That fucking park has so many hills! Death. And then, after work was over, I went to a 7:30 pilates class. I wasn't trying to go crazy with the exercise yesterday, but I've been meaning to take this class and it was too perfect of a day to stay inside at lunchtime, so it just worked out this way. But my god, I was spent after all was said and done. And THEN, to make matters worse, I went home and tried out this insanely difficult new ab gadget that Daniel just bought, which basically works your entire body from top to bottom and makes you feel like you're wearing a vest of your own abdominal muscles when you're done. I had to try it out, of course, at 2am, of course, and I did about 6 reps of it felt like I'd just run 2 miles. Slightly sore today. And tired. Did I mention?

Anyway, all's well on the WW front. Feeling good about my momentum this week. Making good choices, getting in a ton of activity. My clothes are fitting better, the scale was down bigtime this morning, and I feel light and healthy. It's nice.

I'm not gonna workout today, even though I brought my clothes with me. It will be good to have a rest day. I'll get something in tomorrow for sure. It would be bliss to call in sick tomorrow so I can stay out late tonight and not worry about it, but it just can't happen. (Since I have to call in sick NEXT Thursday/Friday so I can go shoot Sesame Street. Eeek!)

Saturday we're going to Rockland to visit Kevin's family for Mother's Day. (His parents aren't available on Sunday.) It will be nice to see them and the nephew, Craig, who is gonna be 2 next month. He's a precious babyface. Should be an enjoyable afternoon even though all I want to do right now is burrow into my bed on Friday night and not emerge until Monday morning.

Jesus, I'm the life of the party, huh? ;)

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