Tuesday, May 13, 2008

La la la la...

Alright. This WW week is off to an interesting start.

First of all, I lost a couple pounds according to this morning's weigh-in. That's welcome news. It means I've lost a grand total of 5 pounds since my recommitment on January 1. (To be fair, I lost those 5 pounds in the first three months and then gained a couple back. But I'm officially down 5 now and it's NOT coming back, dammit.) Five pounds is an amount I would have scoffed at back in the days when I could drop 10 pounds by blinking. Of course, those were also the days when I had tens and tens of pounds to drop...so I guess it all evens out. I'm totally more than comfortable with this progress. It's a pound a month. Not newsworthy, but definitely better than being 5 pounds heavier and uncomfortable in my clothes. I'm reminded of a time when 5 pounds didn't make a bit of difference in how I looked or felt. So it's nice to recognize what an impact it's had this time around. I feel much better. 5 more pounds off and I won't know what to do with myself! ;)

All that said, I've had a weirdo food day so far, which I refuse to let derail me, but it's presented a bit of a challenge.

I got to work this morning and had a bagel and cream cheese (grocery store bought, so I know the exact cals). I didn't have any fruit, which I usually try to incorporate into breakfast, but I wasn't gonna sweat it. I usually let myself indulge a little on weigh-in days and a bagel with cream cheese sounded perfect. Then, just as I was getting peckish around 1pm, the boss asked me to go get his lunch. And since I didn't bring my own lunch today, I figured I'd get something for myself too.

I went to Pret-a-Manger. I had a delicious hummus sandwich in my hand (6 points total - so fucking yummy) when this new "spicy falafel wrap" caught my eye. I love falafel. And maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be too many calories! This particular restaurant has yet to don the calorie counts on their menus, so I wasn't entirely sure what kind of decision I was making. But I was hungry and it looked yummy and I knew I could just google their nutrition info when I got back to the office. So I put back the hummus sandwich (oh beautiful hummus sandwich, I will never forsake you again) and grabbed the wrap and also chose a tiny sweet square that they sell at the counter and that was that.

Regret abounds. The spicy falafel wrap, although reasonably tasty, was not amazing. And they didn't HAVE the info for this particular wrap on their site because it's a new sandwich (keep up, website!) so all I could do was look up the other wraps and guesstimate - and the OTHER wraps range from 12 to 19 points each! WHAT! FUCK THAT.

So I ripped some of the bready wrap part off, to avoid those extra cals, only ate half the sandwich, which wasn't remotely filling or satisfying, and wrapped up the rest for another time. Who knows how many points it cost me. Disappointing to say the least.

Then I looked up the sweet bar's nutrition info and it turns out I could have saved a good 70 calories by getting the mini brownie rather than the mini cookie bar I chose. No big deal, and those of you unfamiliar with the woes of weight-watcherdom are probably rolling your eyes by now, if you've even gotten this far, but the point is, these things can be just a little frustrating. On day one, meal two of a new week - you want to feel better about your choices. Plus, I can't be affording to sacrifice perfectly good lunching opportunities on some shitty high calorie food. Alack, I'll live. Hungrier than I'd like to be, but I'll live. I guess it's fruit for me all afternoon. Fabulous.

I'll head to the gym in about an hour probably for some stretching and lifting. It will feel good on the ol' muscles for sure. I fear being very hungry later today, after lifting and not having eaten a nutritious lunch. So getting through this day without dipping too far into flex is going to be my primary goal.

I'm going to see the Kanye West concert tonight (for free!) and it's gonna be a long night, I think. So I'll hit the gym in a bit, snack on fruit in the afternoon, find some sort of filling, protein based thing to have before the concert, and beeline home to Kev afterwards - maybe he will make me a late light dinner. :) Hope he's up for it!

Tomorrow will include a good workout too, after work and before my improv show. I'm gonna do my best to get some exercise in each day for the next few days. Even if it's something small, it's feasible.

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