Monday, May 05, 2008

Lovely. The boss just left for the day. I’m kicking my feet up, sipping my soda, and setting aside the pile of work in front of me.

I finally bought a new battery for my scale on my lunch break today. Tomorrow morning is weigh-in. I weighed myself at lunch just now and it’s pretty much right where I expected. I seem to have lost another pound, which is nice, and I hope to keep up this slow but steady progress toward feeling really good in all my clothes.

Kevin and I had a lovely, healthy day together yesterday, which is always so thrilling for a huge dork like me. He’s nice not to roll his eyes at me as often as he probably wants to – I get really excited when we’re doing healthy stuff together.

We FINALLY went to Trader Joe’s which has been on my To Do list for weeks, easily. We just haven’t had the opportunity. It closes at ten, I'm never in the neighborhood, who has time to grocery shop, etc. etc. Plus that place is an actual zoo, like, all hours of the day. In fact, I had a dream the other night that we walked in there and it was empty and I could move through the aisles with ease. That’s how packed it is. I’m dreaming about it being not packed.

We got a ton of amazing stuff and took it all back to Kevin's. I was planning to sleep in Brooklyn anyway, so it was just easier to house all the food in his kitchen – not to mention that my kitchen is a danger-zone and nobody ever cooks in it. Anyway, there's now a bounty spilling out of the cabinets in Kevin's kitchen – an organic, inexpensive, healthy bounty. It's really exciting. We made a huge salad for dinner last night AFTER we walked/ran all the way around Prospect Park as the sun was setting. It took us 45 minutes, but it flew by and was much more fun than doing it alone. We weren't going to get in any exercise at all yesterday but we rallied at the last minute, after an unexpected afternoon nap.

We also bought some incredible brownie bite type things that we both loved and ate plenty of throughout the evening. But that’s a different blog entry.

I threw together another salad last night before bed and brought it to work for lunch today. It was so yummy and I’m stuffed now (having also eaten some almonds and some animal crackers and half a bagel).

I have improv practice tonight and then I’m going to see a friend’s show so I doubt I’ll have an opportunity to exercise. It was a good exercise weekend, though, so I feel okay about it. I did something Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I’ll take it.

This upcoming week – my focus is going to be on eating less. It’s nice to have the weight watchers online system to help me keep track because those numbers don’t lie. I just reviewed my food history for the month of April. And I’m simply eating too much each week. I eat an average number of points a day, and it’s too many. That’s the bottom line. No wonder my body is loving his exact weight, despite the increase in exercise. I think my triumphant return to grocery store eating will help that. For money and health reasons, I’m going to do my very best eat the stuff I bought at the store and not eat out as often this week. It’s a shift I’ve been meaning to make for a while and I think I’m ready to give it a serious whirl.

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