Tuesday, May 06, 2008

New Week

It's a "new" week, as of today, for my WW life. I weigh the same that I did last week. Who cares.

I'm off to a good start this week and intend to hold onto this tiny bit of momentum. Some good news: my sketch comedy group booked a gig on Sesame Street. SESAME STREET! THAT is super cool to me. So, the point, as it relates to this blog, is that I want to look good on the tv. You know, so the kidlets who watch Sesame will find me attractive and want to date me when they grow up. Nah, I just want to look good on the tv because it's the first real tv show I'll ever be on, in fact it was once my very favorite tv show, and I want to feel good about my ass and how it looks in my jeans. Wouldn't you?

We film next week so hopefully this short term goal can keep me on a great food/exercise track for at least a week. Doing so would likely kick this scale plateau to the curb.

I'd love to see the plateau break. But it's not about losing a bunch more weight - it's more about making sure I'm always at a weight where I can occasionally eat nachos and drink margaritas and not care if said Mexican night causes me to gain 3 pounds. I'm pretty much there now, but a little extra insurance never hurts. Does that make sense? So onward we go.

I have been making more restrictive choices today than usual, food-wise. I just want to TRY to eat a bit less each day this week and see how my brain and body respond. I can't do deprivation. I must eat what I want. Period. But I can make more restrictive choices from time to time and substitute healthy things for cravings when necessary. This is the week to give it my best.

It's so gorgeous in NYC today - I went for a 35 minute run in Central Park on my lunch break. My office is 5 blocks from the park, so it was perfect. I really enjoyed being outside, even though it was a pretty tough run.

There's a pilates class at 7:30 tomorrow night that I can probably make after work/before my improv show if I hussle. So I'm gonna attempt that too. Just looking to shake things up a bit from my regular lifting routine. I could just lift tomorrow night after work, but I feel like I could use a little outside encouragement in the form of a teacher bossing me around.

I'm hungry right now, after eating a relatively light lunch. I might try to find something filling to tide me over until dinnertime. Perhaps banana and PB on an english muffin? We'll see...Hopefully Kev and I will put together dinner from our Trader Joe's bounty when we get back to his place tonight after rehearsal. We have so much good stuff for meals.

I'm sort of excited to eat less for a few days. It's kinda fun sometimes. Is that totally insane? It might be. See me again at 10pm tonight after a glass of wine and a kitchen stocked full of food. Oh yeah, eating less is a fucking laughriot.

1 comment:

Foo said...

SESAME STREET??? No effing way. I am so stoked for you. That's huge. Congrats and also, way to go on working out with your man and lunch time runs. I so wish I could convince Dan to workout with me.