Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oh the ebb and the flow...

Stayed basically the same this past week, scale-wise. Surprising because I felt like I didn't workout very much last week, and although I ate better than I've been known to in past weeks, it wasn't anything amazing.

This week is already proving challenging. I have been feeling a little run down - just tired and allergic to the spring and generally lethargic. Working out has not been at the forefront of things I want to do with my time. I was able to convince Kevin to go for some cardio in the park on Saturday, but that's the last time I exercised. And I haven't lifted in over a week. Gah. I meant to do it yesterday on my lunchbreak, but it didn't happen. And I was planning to go today, but now that the hour nears, I'm trading up for a dinner out with my man. We're getting sushi so at least I won't overeat in addition.

I kept vascillating all day long about tonight's exercise. First it was Of course! Then it was We'll see. Then it became YOU'RE GOING. Now it's Hi Kevin, what are you doing at 7:30pm?

The current plan is to get something in tomorrow on my lunch break. I'm seeing Xanadu on Broadway tomorrow night so it will have to be the lunch break. Then I hope to get something in on Friday evening, after my headshot session (getting new ones on Friday). And again on Saturday during the day. We leave for Charleston on Sunday morning, so I'd really like to feel healthy as we leave town. It will inspire me to try to get some activity in on the trip AND I won't feel so terribly if I don't get any activity in on the trip.

But my god am I sick of the conversation in my head. I WANT to be working out, is the thing. But life just doesn't always make that possible. I'm fine with that. But I'm fascinated by how much energy and desire I have to do it sometimes, verses other times when I would rather stick pins in my eyes.

I'm sleepy.

I think I'm getting sick.

Naturally. I called in sick last week so I could shoot Sesame Street (and I will be sure to mention when that's airing because people have been so sweet to ask) and I thought, "I bet you I actually get sick. Karma." And then, of course, when I got into the office the day after the "sickness" I felt like I needed to act a little rundown to really sell it. Ridiculous, perhaps, but it's a small office. I couldn't exactly be bopping around. I'd just called in sick two days in a row! Anyway. What the mind believes, the body achieves. Even where acting rundown is concerned. So now I'm rundown in reality. Not just for show.

Bitch bitch bitch, right? Sorry. Better on this blog than to my boyfriend who probably doesn't need to hear it.

In better (!) news, I'm eating less and less lately. I did another Trader Joe's run late last week and it was a success. I bought lots of yummy stuff and we've been eating it up like crazy. I'm still spending more money on eating out than I want to spend, but that's how it goes. I've brought my lunch several times recently and have eaten many dinners at home rather than ordering in. That's big money and health progress for sure.

My goal in Charleston is to eat normally. I usually do on these trips. But it's week long! So the temptations will abound, including, but not limited to alcohol. I'm not a huge drinker, but those calories add up fast regardless. I think the key will be to make sure I start off each morning with a healthy, nutritious breakfast. That usually sets me on a good path. And lunch, of course, should be something with very little white bread. Dinners will be where it gets tricky. But I'm determined to return from the trip feeling good about my choices and good about conquering a week out of town.

Okay. Everyone send me your exercise motivation vibes. I need a divine intervention.

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