Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Hi! Hi Internet! Hi! >pants, looks around< It's nice to be here.

Soooooooo, after my really confident, capable-sounding post about my wonderful new career as a temporpary office employee I landed an AWFUL temp job.

It's fine.

I can deal with it.

It's only for eight more days.

Pardon all the italics. Apparently I've been feeling stifled.

So, I can't use the internet at the new job (!), and I sit in a big room with lots of computers in it, and stained chairs, and whoa, this blows, all alone, no windows, and no talks to me or knows my name and I complete the same series of seven clicks of the mouse - over and over and over and over ad infinitum for approximately six hours long each day. The same seven clicks. Do you understand? So it's a little maddening.

And I schedule my bathroom breaks and look forward to the next song on the ipod shuffle like I'm a dog and it's Pavlov.

I'm getting through it, tho. But it's making me bonkers. I'll be going running tonight. You couldn't pay me not to.

Tick tick.

1 comment:

JessiferSeabs said...

OMG. THis sounds like my definition of hell.

Have a good run, I'm sure it will feel awesome after being cooped up all day!