Saturday, August 16, 2008


Blogging more is fun right now. And helpful, I think, in terms of the health stuff. I'm about to head to bed, but I thought I'd do a quick update since I'm already on the computer.

I walked to the gym after work and did a nice 50 minutes on the treadmill. I ran for 20! I was surprised at that, but my back didn't bother me much at all and I probably could have gone for longer. It just felt a little tight, but nothing that seemed worth stopping. I finished just as the yoga class was beginning and I popped right in. I haven't taken a yoga class in ages. It wasn't hard by any means and it definitely felt good on my body at points. I wasn't crazy about it overall, though. I thought the teacher didn't give much information to the people who were new to the class. Luckily I've taken enough yoga in the past so I knew what to expect and how to properly do some of the moves but there were people there who'd never even taken a single yoga class before and I'm sure they didn't know exactly how they should be doing some of the poses. And she didn't explain at all, beyond just saying "now do this, now this." So I'd grade it a C+ probably. The website also said that this particular class would focus on seated poses, which it did not. We were on our feet a lot of the time. C+. Meaning, I would like to try another teacher. But it did feel good for the most part.

It was so nice to realize how different my body is now from years ago in terms of doing yoga. I did a lot of yoga and yoga-like-stuff in acting school because that's just what you do in acting school. You learn to be "in" your body and you use various body-work to get there. And I remember distinctly that there were certain poses and movements that were impossible to do or that felt so hard. I breezed through most of them tonight, without much pain or strain. It was so great. Even now, six years after beginning my weight loss journey, I sometimes forget that I'm not big anymore.

At one point, my shirt was getting in the way (had on a big t-shirt), so I just took it off! And finished the class in my sports bra and exercise capris. This is not a big deal, really, but I'm sure you can imagine there was a time when I would not have been caught DEAD...I didn't look like a supermodel by any means. But I wasn't ashamed. In my later twenties, especially in the last year, I've become more and more comfortable with and accepting of my body. Even after I first lost weight, I sorta still hated my body. Now, I'm like, I've worked damn hard to get here. And it's not perfect. And I love that. So it felt good to be shame-free today in yoga.

After class was over - and I did feel nice and relaxed and in a zombie like zone - I went to Whole Foods and got a little bit of pizza and some salad from the buffet for dinner. Just a quick bite before my show.

Then schlepped over to do the show, it was fun, and afterwards Kev and I opted to just head home and relax, rather than go out. So here we are. We're in a bit of a fight. :) Siiiigh. Ah, yes. Still working out the kinks of domestic bliss. Nobody said it would be seamless. Also, I might kill him.

Looking forward to my weekend. Hope it's nice weather. But if not, I'll just have to research healthy recipes and plan and prepare organic meals for the week. So, I'm covered on all fronts.

Thinking a lot about my friend Jess this week. She knows it, I hope. I'm really proud of her.

1 comment:

JessiferSeabs said...

That made my eyes get all welled up with tears. THanks.

I think it's over now. At least, my home belongs to me again. I'm sure there will still be fallout, but I can lock the doors and set the alarm and walk away from it. No reason for him to be here.