Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I wrote this yesterday evening and never got a chance to post it...

This will have to be quick because I'm trying to scoot out of work a little early tonight, since both my bosses are gone. I want to catch a yoga class at 7:30 and I'd like to avoid having to rush to get there, and maybe even be able to do a little arm workout before hand.

As predicted, the scale was up about half a pound this morning. Oh wellllllll. Menstruation. I made a meal plan for the days we're in town this week, including dinners, and it's helped me stay on track and make good decisions today, day one of my new week. Plus I feel like we really might have a shot of using up all our perishables before we go out of town, which is lovely news.

Warning! Lady stuff, guys!:

My period started - get this - after I left work, before I arrived to my improv practice, while I was on the fucking subway. I was like "Hey body? WHAT. THE. FUCK." I was in agony, so sore and achy and headachy and incredibly overcome with exhaustion during that train ride and the following 20 minutes. I was literally wandering around midtown, trying to find an ATM (to pay for my portion of the improv rehearsal space), advil (if I have cramps and I don't have advil I'm completely useless, with the advil I can function), and a bathroom. I was just a mess. Sweating, dizzy, hot, in so much pain. It was ridiculous! I finally got the advil in me and got to practice and was able to calm down and breathe a bit. But it was not fun.

I had a weird, light dinner of some chicken salad, some salsa, some guacamole, and some chips when I got home last night, while I prepared this delicious Baked Banana Oatmeal recipe that I found on Kath Eats Real Food, which turned out really tasty even though I used quick oats instead of real oats. Because I am an idiot. Anywaaaay. Kevin loved the final product and I thought it was pretty tasty too. We watched Michelle Obama's speech and went to bed shortly thereafter.

I woke up to bad cramps around 6am. I actually toyed with GETTING UP for good at that point! I went to the bathroom, fed the cats, got back into bed, and ended up laying there for a good while. Kevin woke up too, we chatted, and I finally fell back to sleep, all the while thinking, just get up now, just see how it feels. Of course, I didn't. But it's a step. A baby step. Think. Do. Be. .... er...right?

I threw together some breakfast and lunch when I finally did get up and Kevin packed it up for me in a neat little sack, the darling. Love him.

Today at work has been tough and annoying for a list of reasons. And I'm just generally feeling pouty and like I don't have any/don't like any of my friends. I get like this once a month. Hmmmmmmmm. ;) I went for a run on my lunch break which did seem to help break through the nasty voices in my head.

Yoga tonight will be great also.

I'm still feeling a bit down, but whatever.

I'm gonna make tacos for a late dinner when I get home from yoga and watch Hilary give her speech. Hopefully it will be an early night to bed.

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