Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the best boyfriend

He is. He definitely is. More on that in a minute...

Yesterday, during my lunch break, I went to the gym and did 15 minutes of running on the 'mill and 15 minutes of stair stepping on the classic stairmaster. Sweating like a little piglet the whole time. It felt good. It was one of those days where I felt like I could run forever but of course only had 30 precious minutes to do anything at all. And I wanted to get some stair time in because it's good to switch it up and I feel like that stairmaster just really kicks my ass. So I split my time in half and did it that way. Oh what I would give for two hours in the middle of each day for exercising and stretching. And a long meal? And a nap? SIESTA!

Anyway, I had some fruit and peanut butter as a snack in the afternoon, and was pretty hungry by the time I was finally walking to rehearsal after work. As I've said a thousand times, on most nights of the week I have some kind of rehearsal or show that keeps me occupied until at least 10pm if not later. And last night was no different. I always have grand plans on these nights - I decide I'm going to get through the activity and THEN go home to enjoy a nice meal from my kitchen. Now, why is it that even now writing that out I realize how ridiculous it sounds to wait until 11pm to eat dinner, but in the moment, I always think I can combat the forces of hunger and just wait it out. Probably because I like to pretend that my life is not so busy and that I get home at a comfortable hour each night. But I don't. And that's just the reality. And it will be the reality for the forseeable future.

But at least once a week I try - and fail - at this dinner-at-home-at-midnight idea.

I called Kevin on my way to rehearsal last night to discuss food, and sort of became a bit of a rag on the phone. And he was like, will you please just go get something to eat now? You can't wait until afterwards, you'll never make it. Thank god he suggested it because if I hadn't gotten that oh-so-delicious slice of hawaiian pizza at the shop next to the rehearsal studio, which appeared like some kind of desert oasis, I would have been one pissy young lady during that practice. The slice was delish and rehearsal was fine, although it ran long which always just makes me so irritable. So by the time I was heading home on the subway, I was trying to combat the grumpies. The woe-is-me's. That's something I really need to work on.

I got home and sweet Kevin, the lovely, had prepared a huge spread of yummy taco fixins! And he was waiting for me to eat it! Besides the standard sour cream, cheese, etc, it was complete with taco-seasoned ground turkey, avocados, cilantro, and other delicious things that I never think to have on hand for taco night. What a lovely treat!!! I wasn't super hungry but the food looked so delicious and it was so comforting and nice to have it lovingly prepared and waiting for me, and I'm an absolute sucker for mexican food at any hour of any day, so I made myself a taco salad with lettuce, ground turkey, chopped tomatos, jalapeno, peppers, some salsa and a dollup of sour cream and pinch of cheese. It was deeeeeeeeeeeeelicious. And even though it was kind of a "second" dinner since I'd already had that pizza slice, I didn't care. I threw a few flex points a it, remembered my sweaty workout earlier in the day, and chowed down. I was completely satisfied, and not stuffed, when it was over.

And as we sat down to eat, Kev said, "I also have a present for you," and handed me an issue of Yoga magazine!!! Awwwww. Boys who pay attention! Win. I thought it was a very sweet gesture since I've been getting so into yoga lately and also since I dragged the poor guy to a class over the weekend that probably made him never want to think the word 'yoga' again, let alone buy a magazine related to the practice. So it was sort of like a peace offering. And he said, "I want you to read it and tell me if you like it. Because I was going to get you a subscription but I wanted to make sure you liked it first. There are probably a lot of yoga magazines out there." What a guy. A thoughtful, useful, right-up-my-alley present for no good reason besides he's the best and he was thinking of me. It made my whole evening - that and the great meal of course. I felt really spoiled. >grin<

The magazine is cool and I think I've actually never opened a yoga magazine before in my life. It's fun to have a new interest. :)

This morning was nice - I woke up right at 8 (thanks to a fat, mean cat who lives in our house and knocks shit off the dressers when he doesn't get food - anyone want a cat? no, really?) and I got some things done with the extra time. I did the dishes and wiped down the kitchen, which hadn't been done for a few meals, and then I made myself breakfast - a couple eggs, some strawberries, a piece of toast and half a glass of milk.

Not sure if I mentioned this yesterday (and I'm too lazy to go look ;) but I usually eat breakfast at my desk at work, which sometimes results in me not knowing what to eat, spending money on breakfast out somewhere if I haven't brought it from home, being distracted while I'm eating, and generally rushing around and being 5 minutes late for work. So I decided yesterday morning to try something I haven't done in seriously ten years - eat at home before I leave! Revolutionary. I had bacon and egg/veggie scramble yesterday and eggs and toast this morning. Delish and a nice way to start the day. So I'm gonna try to keep that up when I can.

I'm having lunch with the BF in a bit - he had a meeting in the city today. Thank god it's soon because eating a good 1.5 hours earlier than I usually do has left me HUNGRY much earlier for lunch, naturally.

Tonight, after work, I'll go to the gym or run outside. I've been taking yoga or pilates on Wednesday nights before my improv show but I think I'm going to skip it tonight in favor of a long cardio session and some lifting/abs. It's perfect running weather today, sunny, crisp, breezy. So maybe I'll take it outside. We'll see. Might have to do the ol' tv-while-treadmilling thang. Anyway, after that, I'll GET SOME DINNER (jen. do it.) and go to my improv show. :)

1 comment:

Emily Canady said...

That is so freaking sweet. What an adorable boyfriend. I love the yoga magazine. What a keeper :)