Friday, September 05, 2008

Hungry today. Feeling peckish no matter what I do. Had a fruit smoothie for breakfast, which seemed like a genius plan since several hours later I was still feeling satisfied. But then the hunger arrived and hasn't stopped. Alas, I always do better to have protein and/or whole grains in the morning than just fruit.

Tired today too.

Can't wait for work to be over in 30 mins. But then I'm just going to the stupid gym. I don't want to go tonight. So I'm hoping to get there and just do a little while on the eliptical and hopefully it won't be too painful. There will probably be some good tv on.

I have a going-away party tonight for a friend's girlfriend. Right now, I just want to go home and curl up. We'll see how long I last at the party.

Last night Kevin and I made apple cheddar turkey burgers with a new recipe I got and also a batch of chicken soup at the same time! It was a bit stressful in our kitchen for a little while, since we're both relatively new to cooking, but we managed to make two meals, one to save for later and one to eat right away (we ate the turkey burgers). It felt productive. :) It was another lateish night and I did not want to wake up today. I brought some of the soup in for lunch. It's yummy.

I have some yoga and running plans this weekend but we'll see what the weather has in store. Tomorrow it's supposed to rain and I'm actually really looking forward to a rainy Saturday. I want to spend some time in my apartment doing whatever my heart desires. I have a rehearsal tomorrow night at 6pm. I'm not really looking forward to it. Hopefully that attitude will change tomorrow. Might HAVE to take a yoga class tomorrow, even if it means venturing out in the rain, just to help center me and improve my mood before 6pm. Another rehearsal Sunday morning at 11.

Back to it, this busy life. Something's gonna have to give soon. Zzzzz.

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