Thursday, September 11, 2008

So. What to report.

Well, I had a good yoga class last night. Hard. I was on a weird mat that was fucking slipping all over the place and driving me craaaazy but I got there late, just before the teacher did, and there were no other mats to be had. This was by far the hardest class I've had yet. It wasn't too too bad but he definitely had us doing some poses I've never done before. I did get to "bind" once! Which means you basically are in a pose and loop your arms around through your legs and connect your hands in some insane way that makes you look like a pretzel, making an already difficult standing pose even harder. But I did it! That was cool. I was definitely a weakling in the class, but I kept up. Feel good today.

I grabbed some Chipotle (the burrito bol with basically just beans, chicken, a tiny bit of rice, salsa, and a sprinkling of cheese) before my 9:30 show because I didn't want my usual Wednesday night pizza slice dinner. I'd had a slice of pizza for dinner during my rehearsal the night before. I had the most irritating experience at the Chipotle - this European couple, I think maybe Spanish or something Latin?, well, let's just say they were acting like complete assholes, completely oblivious to anyone but themselves, letting their two obnoxious children run around the place, the parents not even glancing to see if the kids were okay, and they held the line up for a good ten minutes while they debated about what to get on their stupid burritos. UGH. I'm still so pissed off when I think about it. I realize it's completely futile and actually detrimental to let stuff like that get under my skin, but good god I was PISSED. Other people were pissed too. I wanted to smack these idiots.

Wah wah, right? ;)

ANYWAY, finally got to the show, late, because of Mom and Dad Dickwad. But the show was fun and I was exhausted when it was over. I headed home and finished my dinner (didn't have time to eat it before the show. thanks again, Dickwads.), watched some tv, had a tiny dessert of soycream with a cookie, and went to bed. I woke up briefly when Kev came in around 2:30. I tried to wake up this morning for a run but it wasn't happenin. Baby steps...

It's a bit fall-like today. I'm in a long sleeve top and corduroys. Love it. Kevin and I made a big omelet for breakfast - it was SO EFFIN YUMMY. Peppers, onions, turkey bacon, and cheese. We cut it in half, he ate his right then, I put mine on toast as a sandwich and brought it to work, wrapped tightly to maintain the warmth. So I had it at my desk with my iced coffee and it was nothing short of delicious and comforting.

I had some apple slices as a snack and just finished my taco salad lunch (leftover from tacos we made the other night).

Late this afternoon I'm gonna run out to the gym for some cardio. Just 30 mins, probably on the elliptical (which is apparently spelled with TWO L's). I was hoping to do some light lifting today too but since I didn't get a run in this morning, I'll use gym time for some cardio and lift and do a longer cardio session tomorrow. That's the plan anyway. We'll seeeee!

Tonight after work I'm going to over to Chris and Rebecca's apartment to work on the HST musical. It will just be the three of us going over a sketch and a musical number. It will be so nice to rehearse at their apartment rather than in a cold, barren studio space. I'm gonna get a coffee after work and enjoy hanging out with my friends while we work on our show. I'm hoping to leave their place no later than 10, hopefully before. I think it will take me a good hour or more to get home from there. UGH.

Tomorrow should be a relatively relaxing day, I hope. No rehearsals or anything, which is a welcome break. And tomorrow night is date night! Yaay! Not sure what we'll do, but probably dinner, perhaps a movie. Should be lovely. As I said, I'm hoping to get in some exercise at some point. Maybe I can convince Kev that that's the perfect start to date night. ;)

This weekend shall be busy, with rehearsals, a new show opening, and a few social commitments, but that's okay. It will all be fun stuff, I think.

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