Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I just realized that yesterday's post was rather long, and potentially arduous for the reader, that perhaps the majority of people who read my blog don't need a play by play of exactly what I did and when I went to the bathroom while I was visting my family in Illinois. Well, hmph. It was semi-fun (or was it?) for me to write. And I know at least a few of my blog-reading friends enjoy the minutia.

Alas, I suppose I can try to pull back a bit on the exact recounting.

Luckily, I haven't much to say today. I'm tired, despite a whopping TEN hours of sleep last night. In bed at 10:30, awake for brief moments at 1:00am, 3:00am, 7:30am (should have gotten out of bed at this point), and finally up for good around 8:30. My goal for tomorrow morning is to actually get out of bed when I wake up, as long as it's after 6am. That's my goal. My aim. I aim to do this. To accomplish it? Remains to be seen...

But had I actually gotten out of bed today when I woke up at 7:30...oooBOY the things I could have accomplished! ;)

You know? This domestic life? It's lovely and all. But it's WORK. My god! It's a lot of work! The sweeping, the wiping, the tidying, the decluttering, the organizing, the what-the-fuck-do-I-do-with-all-these-plastic-bags-and-how-did-I-acquire-them-anyway-since-I-feel-like-I-always-bring-my-own-bag-when-I-go-shopping, the meal planning...seriously. I don't think I actually knew it would occupy this much mental space. And to someday add a kid to that?! Pffft! Craziness. I can't imagine. I definitely need to get outta this job in the next year.

ANYWAY. :) Tonight, I'm undecided. I have an improv show but I might skip it. I need some time to myself. This weekend gears back up to normal non-August-vacation life - a handful of gatherings, obligations, rehearsals, and events. Big sigh. So I'd much rather be peacefully prepared for that schedule than feeling like I can't catch up right outta the gate. Which means I might skip tonight's show. It's something I rarely do, skip a show, so we'll see. Yoga is DEFINITELY in the cards either tonight or tomorrow. And so are a couple of nice long runs.

My eating is getting back on track after the very free (ahem) long weekend. I had a reasonable day yesterday, in terms of food. And I'm doing even better today. I went to the farmer's market on my lunch break to pick up some produce, either Kevin or I will do the rest of the shopping tonight or tomorrow, and I've made a meal plan for the next week or so complete with some easy new dinners to try out.

That's it. How's that for low-detail.


JessiferSeabs said...

Dude. I dig the minutia. Bring it on.

Anonymous said...

The plant's root is used in traditional herbal supplements to increase testosterone levels in men. The herb contains ethalonic essence, which improves the work of chorionic gonadotropin, which in turn helps increasing testosterone levels. Higher testosterone with the male sizegenetics triggers an increase of muscle mass, stronger sizegenetics, better sexual performance, lesser sizegenetics fat, increased sizegenetics metabolism, lessened stress, and improved brain function and memory.No, this isn't only young guys inside of their twenties who long to keep a bigger penis. Men of all ages are secretly asking themselves: How can I be making my penis bigger?.