Friday, July 25, 2008

I have a relatively relaxing weekend ahead of me and I'm so thrilled about it. My life has been absolutely insane lately. I work 10-7 every day, and then almost every single day for easily the past 2 months, I've had somewhere to be at 7:30 each night of the week. And I don't get home until past 11 on most of those nights. So I can just go right to sleep, wake up, and do it again. Some of them have been fun things, but a lot of them are obligations that I can't skip. And I'm just totally exhausted. I talking burnt-out exhausted. The fact that I've been able to shove in so much exercise lately is actually just a testament to how much I require exercise to feel sane - because I think I wouldn't be doing it so often right now if I didn't NEED to be doing it in order to get a grip on my life each day. It's a period of time when I can zone out and focus on nothing but the way it feels to be in my own skin. So that's nice. It's one of my only salvations at the moment.

Our apartment is still a bit of a mess since the big move a few weeks ago. We're slowly but surely making progress. A friend of ours is taking one of our (several!) extra matresses today because he just threw out his bed because of he had a bed bug problem, so that worked out perfectly. And we threw out a bunch of shit last night including ANOTHER mattress. And around 11pm we walked a perfectly good TV to the curb, with its remote, and a sign on it that said "Works!" and it was gone 3 minutes later. Someone wanted it. :) That made me glad. We still have a few new things to buy and some organizing to do, but it's coming together. I wish it was DONE. It will be a big relief when it is. Although I guess I don't really mind the process either. It's sometimes fun.

My comedy stuff has been just exhausting me lately. I'm doing too much. And there's no good place to cut corners or take stuff out or scale back. It's all important to me and it's all stuff I need to be doing right now. But that doesn't change the toll it's taking on me right now to be constantly working. I feel like I work two full-time jobs. And I'm usually working on Saturdays and Sundays too. I do a show every Saturday night and usually end up shooting some kind of video every Sunday, whether for HST or for someone else.

So besides working a paying job 10-7 and a non-paying job 7-10, plus weekends, when you add in exercise, my commute, and my unfinished apartment, it's no wonder I'm in desperate need of a week in the woods with no one around.

This Saturday is the last Harvard Sailing Team show of our current run. This was our 5th full-length show and we'll be back with a new one in September. But this means that during the month of August/first two weeks of September, I DON'T HAVE TO DO SHOWS ON SATURDAY NIGHTS!!!! This is one of the best things in the world for me right now. For probably the last - oh - 3 years, I've had shows on Saturday nights. I don't even know what it means to have a Saturday night off. So the rare times that I don't have to work on Saturday nights are music to me. And I am so looking forward to this break. We will still have rehearsals during this time on some weeknights because we have to write our new show, but having my weekends to myself, even if only for a few weeks, is going to be so great. PLUS! There are two weeks or so at the end of August/beginning of September where we don't even have rehearsals!!!! (Half the people in the group will be on vacation then, so we decided not to rehearse during that time.) So this is like a two week vacation from my job for me, not to have think about sketch comedy at all. I'll still be doing improv practices and improv shows (both with my house team and my two-person group), and - oh yeah - going to my day job 45 hours a week (jesus). But taking the sketch comedy out of the equation for a little while is huge. HUGE.

I'm going to sit around and not be funny or think about funny things at all.


It's supposed to be lovely in New York this weekend - it's beautiful today. 80s, sunny, and breezy. And tomorrow should be the same, just a bit warmer. I have the show tomorrow night, but that's my only true obligation this weekend. Tomorrow hopefully Kev and I will get to do something lovely together. And Sunday! I'm playing sports and having a picnic with some of my friends in the park! That should be totally awesome. And I don't have to be anywhere or do anything all evening. Bliss.

Hoping to get in a great workout today after work/before my two-person improv show (Jen+Steve) tonight. Hopefully a long run and some light lifting. Then going back to Kev and my place to make homemade pizzas and drink wine with our good friends. Looking forward to that. Hope to get in a workout tomorrow too, maybe an outdoor run? Yes, I think so.

1 comment:

Foo said...

Your schedule has me, woman, you must be the queen of juggling. I'm glad you will have a small break...everyone needs time to re-charge. Hope you enjoyed your Sunday at the park, sounds wonderful.