Thursday, July 10, 2008

I Rule.

So, I got up this morning and made guacamole all by my little lonesome! This is very exciting to me for a list of reasons:

1. I do not generally make things. It's not that I can't, it's that I just don't. And come to think of it, I don't know if I can. I probably could. But it's never been a pasttime. I made some guac with my mom once for my cousin's bachelorette party a while back and then again for the 4th of July. It was yummy. But today was different because it was impromptu and not for a special event.

2. I do not generally wake up before I have to. Ever. I hate that. Sleep is one of my very very favorite activities ever ever ever. I adore it. I want to carry it with me in a purse and take nibbles of it during the day like good chocolate. Waking up in the morning, I think I've written about this before, is often a painful event for me. I would sleep until 10:30 each day if it were allowed. And that's only since I've gotten older. When I was younger I could sleep until 1pm NO PROBLEM. In college there were occasions where I slept until 5pm. Once 7pm. That was an ugly "day."

3. I'm not, overall, very domestic.

When I woke up this morning, in our lovely "new" bedroom which we have rearranged and sort of redecorated since I moved in, I felt glad to be alive. I'm having fun living with Kevin. I love him, the big geek, and it's so nice and peaceful being a little family together with a cat (soon to be two cats - tonight in fact! - when I move my cat into the apartment finally). I knew we both had to shower so I got up a bit earlier than I normally would have so I could leave him plenty of time. Revolutionary for me not to wait until the last possible second to get out of bed.

Once I was dressed and ready I had some time to kill so I started chopping up the guac stuff! It was fun. And I didn't have much time so I just did it as quickly as I could and ended up finally tasting it seconds before we had to walk out the door. And it's delish! So I scooped some of it into a plastic container and threw some chips in a plastic baggie and here I am. Eating it for lunch. YUM.

I might be unnecessarily pleased with myself over this. But that's okay. A little self-congratulations never hurt anyone.

It looks like the weather is going to cooperate tonight and I might be able to squeeze in a run, assuming the cat meeting is going okay. I ate well last night, with minimal snacking before bed. I hope to have another good go at it today. I did start out a bit calorie-laden, with a bagel with one egg, cheese, and BACON on it! Aaack! I ordered the bagel (scooped out, thank you) with one egg and cheese and they accidentally put bacon on it! I didn't fuss because I love bacon. But I did pick most of it off and only ate a piece and a half or so. But I still felt like a salty dog when I was done. I hoping this guac and chips, and perhaps a banana and some other fruit, will be enough to tide me over until dinner time when I can make a big salad at home. (Oreatmoreguac?)

I might need to do a quick TJ's run tomorrow after work to stock up for the weekend. We're going to spend a lot of time at home this weekend tending to the cat introduction, so we'll need to have meals on hand.

In other health related news, I bought a pair of these, which I'd been eyeing and desiring for a while. I didn't get them so much for the workout benefits, but for the posture/alignment benefits. Flip flops are always making my body and knees sore but I cannot go closed toed in the summer, I just can't. So this is the perfect solution. BUT, luckily enough, what they say seems to be true about the exercise. I really do feel like I'm working my ass etc. more. I can feel it! It's kinda cool. I even feel my heart rate rise a little bit when I start to walk around in them. It's nice because I do so much walking in this city, miles each day, that I'm sure to reap some kind of benefit from the added resistance. So I'm pleased about it.

AND. A friend who I see regularly told me last night that I look like I've "lost so much weight"! What?! I was surprised to hear this because I've only lost about 6-7 pounds in the last few months, but I have been working out a lot and I know my body has slimmed down. So that was really lovely to hear. I haven't heard "you've lost weight!" in literally years. When I was losing my 100 pounds I heard that every other hour, it seemed. So even though I'm only working on 20ish pounds right now, it was pleasant to hear that someone noticed that I'm looking better than I was in January when the Christmas/first year of a new relationship weight was at its peak. Yikes.

Soooo, for all my concerns and fears and worries and I-don't-know-what-I'm-feeling!s I feel like I'm adapting to this move just fine. Our apartment looks gorgeous. And I really LIKE being able to spend different kinds of time with Kevin. Like, I really like that I can have an evening to myself to do my own thing (last night he went to see a show while I went to Queens to see my cat) because we know that we will see each other later that night for sure - and without either one of us having to pack a bag and travel across boroughs. I like that I have more free time now because I live in one place instead of two places. I almost feel a bit more independent than I felt before, if that's possible. Because now I don't feel like my free time half belongs to someone else. Even though I love spending time with him, I also like being able to do my own thing. And now that we share a space it's much easier to justify sitting "alone" in the living room reading a book. Because he's somewhere in the house doing his own thing too. Does that make sense? It's sort of like I'm no longer focused on being someone's girlfriend, but on being someone's partner and there feels like MORE freedom in that. Who knows. It also just feels exactly the same as before. ;)

That's it. Talk to you later.

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