Tuesday, July 15, 2008

So. Here we are. Another week. Weigh-in this morning was favorable. Down .8. Which is good considering I'd gained a bit two weeks back. So we're breakin even. That's a lot of this game for me lately, breaking even. If I let myself think too hard about it, it's easy to obsess, but then I remember I don't really care. And I'd rather enjoy the process than anything else, so it is what it is. Nothing more, nothing less.

I got in some good workouts this past week. I've been on a very consistent workout schedule for the last 6 months or so - getting in either 3 or 4 sessions per week. There have been the occasional weeks where I've only gotten 1 or 2 sessions in but those have been rare. 3 is not a number I'm satisfied with. I'd rather it be consistently 4. But I can't really complain. Before my recommittment to this process in January, I'd been extremely lax with exercise. I don't think I have it written down anywhere, but I know I wasn't doing it 3 or 4 times a week consistently. So there's progress, however small. I know that the workouts have also, in the last six months, increased in their intensity and duration, which is great. I'm back to running again, where I was not in the beginning of the year. So that feels really good.

I went to the gym today on my lunch break for a quick workout, just trying to start the week off right. Much to my dismay, even after the regular outdoors running I've been doing lately, I had a really hard time eking out even 15 minutes of straight running on the treadmill. That was disappointing since I generally find outdoor running harder than indoor running and I generally find that if I'm in a good groove with running outside I will end up being able to knock out 30 minutes on the treadmill without batting an eye. But that was not the case today. Who knows why. Shoes? Weird treadmill band (it was doing something really weird and awful that made it hard to run)? Or just general cycle of exercise where today is not my day? Who knows. I got off after 20 minutes and did some arm lifting and called it an afternoon.

I hope to get in a few good sessions of different kinds of exercise this week. Some pilates, some lifting, maybe even some yoga if I can find the time. And of course my outside runs. Running around Prospect Park, just steps away from my new (Kevin's) apartment has been really lovely. Even if it's late in the day, I know I can just go bang out 30-45 minutes. It's been really nice.

I have also realized that I need to start being a bit more restrictive with my eating if I want to drop another couple pounds before the summer is over. I am occassionally restrained and I rarely go totally overboard, but I haven't exactly been pinching the points pennies lately. I eat when I'm hungry, try to make good choices, and I go over if I go over. That's been my policy lately. So I'm going to try to be better about it this week and see what happens - get some more fruit and veggies in, eat less cheese and bread, and not snack so much when I'm not hungry. It's not impossible, so we'll see what I can accomplish this week.

In short, goals are: 4-5 exercise sessions of varied natures, stay within points, more fruit and veggies.

All else is good. Kevin and I had a few good chats about career direction and life direction this past weekend which made me feel better about working in a day job that doesn't fulfill me for the time being. We're really enjoying living together. My intial panic has subsided and now it's just nice to see him a little bit more often and be able to share more things together. We're having fun cooking together, even though we don't ever prepare anything fancy - just simple stuff so far. And the cats seem to be getting along for the most part, which is also fun for us. So it's good.

I gotta run. Bye!

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