Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Let's be honest.

Don't even want to post but I feel like I should since it's been a while. I'm sure once I get going I'll get into it.

First of all, I'm fucking exhausted. I cannot get to sleep before 1am to save my life. And it's just not enough sleep. I want to be in bed asleep by 10:30 every single night. And that's a laughable goal in this damn town, where life doesn't begin to die down until it's no longer p.m. but a.m.

Anyway, all's well on this end. I began a new WW week yesterday - stayed exactly the same as far as weigh-in goes. I didn't eat too terribly last week but I also didn't get but one official workout in. There were plenty of other "active" days, packing my room up, lifting boxes, walking far to get to the water front for fireworks, etc. But I just didn't have the time for anything more official than the one gym workout last Wednesday. The week prior, though, I was an exercise rock star, so it all evens out.

I started my "new" week yesterday on a good foot. I ate well, made good choices, didn't over do it on the snacking in the evening, and got in a nice (hard as hell) run and some stretching and pilates afterward. The run was pretty painful at first, after a week of no exercise. It was humid and I was sore from moving and from cleaning the new apartment for the few days prior. But I eventually got into SOMEwhat of a groove and was able to eke out 35 mins straight running. Not great, not awful. Even down to the last second, though, I could have easily died from how much I did NOT want to be running. Like most runners, I'm sure, I take a secret pleasure in that pain, though. Because it means the next run will be a little bit easier. It also means someday soon I'm due for an Easy Town run that I won't even notice is happening while it's happening. THOSE runs are the fucking BEST. Those are the runs where you get practically get to a place of nirvana.

Then I decided to squeeze in a lunchtime workout today - just light lifting. It was fine. I'm still tired. Zzzzz.

Looking forward to another good week. As I mentioned a few weeks back, I've been, on average, losing about a pound a month since I began my official recommittment on January 1. That means that I should be down to the weight I'd like to finally maintain by - AHH! I can't even think about it! ;) Nevermind. Forget I said that. The point is, I'm losing a pound a month, which seems like a ridiculous nothing but it's better than gaining a pound a month and I don't mind it at all.

The move, which happened this past weekend, was a success. We got it all done in one afternoon with the help of some trusty friends (to whom we're forever indebted) and now we're in the unpacking phase. It can be frustrating but I actually don't mind the little projects that I give myself to accomplish each night. We got the bedroom all done, which is looking gorgeous and so comfy and peaceful and serene. And we just did some majorly important work to the living room last night (or I did while Kevin worked on a video edit he's doing as a favor for our friend - he begged me to wait to work on the room until he could do it with me but I just couldn't be bothered - you know how it goes...i wanted to get it done!) and it's really shaping up in there too.

Kevin's apartment (or, our apartment now) is huge. Much bigger than any place I've ever lived in New York. And interestingly, now that all my stuff is in it and there's more furniture and we're arranging the furniture in a more feng shui (less bachelor pad) kind of a way the place actually looks BIGGER than before, if that's possible. It's nice. Some friends have given us some good suggestions on how to arrange the space and we've tried a few variations ourselves and I think we've landed on something good.

The kitchen, of course, will be the last thing we complete. All the extra boxes, bags, and random crap we've collected over the last week or two of preparing for and executing this move have ended up in the kitchen. So we'll tackle that once we're settled into the other rooms. But we've still been spending plenty of time preparing food at home, which is of course my dream come true. I already notice that I'm spending less money and making healthier food choices than I've been for a while now. It's really great. Plus we've been doing all our shopping at Trader Joe's so I feel good about the stuff we're consuming.

We move my cat in tomorrow night. I'm really looking forward to it. Floyd, my cat, is my favorite little guy. He's a total jerk and a pain in the ass of a cat and most people find him to be a handful, which he is, but I adore him. I've had him since he was 8 weeks old (and picked him out of his batch of brothers when he was 5 weeks old) and I'm crazy about him. We've been through a lot together, this cat and I, so not having him with me at the new place just feels wrong. It doesn't feel like home to me until he's there...knocking shit over and generally causing strife.

We have no idea how Kevin's cat, Chawser, is going to respond to meeting Floyd. Chawser is a particularly finnicky, skittish little guy. He's a REAL sweetheart, so loving and cuddly when he feels comfortable. But he can also be a big scaredy cat, jumping and fleeing at the slightest sound. So they are VERY different cats. And they will have to learn to get along. It could be great, it could be terrible, it could be anything in between. Like life, right? So we'll see. I'll just be glad to get it over with.

We're going to try to spend most of the weekend at the apartment so we can help the cats adjust to their new reality. Although I'd LOVE some great weather so I can take a few jogs through the park. It's been hot, muggy, and occassionally rainy here lately. Every day lately seems to have a "chance of thunderstorms." Fuck that.

Material things aside, living with Kevin is pretty enjoyable so far. We've spent almost every night together for the last year plus anyway so it's not SO different from before. Except now we have to split the cost of hand soap and I can't just buy rugs willy-nilly without making sure he likes them first. (But I buy them anyway and just keep the receipt. You can't stop a girl with a cart and a debit card at Target.) It is really nice to be able to build this space together though. We love spending time together and I love the idea of being able to do our own separate things and just sharing the same apartment.

I won't say I'm not scared. Living with a boyfriend in this official way is very new to me. And it tips its hat toward major life committments. Which can be a bit overwhelming. We're taking it day by day. And luckily we really get along, enjoy each other's company, and are good partners in getting things accomplished. But I would be lying if I didn't mention that the entire adjustment - not just living with Kevin for the first time and all that that does or doesn't imply, but also moving away from my home of the last 4 years (the place I've lived the longest at since I moved to NYC ten years ago), changing neighborhoods, giving up an important piece of my "single" life, leaving Daniel (old roommate), and going from a dingy basement apartment to a big home that is half mine to clean, care for, and enjoy - is just that. An adjustment.

I've always thought couples who live together are boring. There. I said it. that I am one. Well. Gotta find ways to keep it interesting!

That's it for now. Check back next week when I deconstruct our sex life.

I'm kidding of course. He'd kill me.

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