Thursday, September 21, 2006

It's like this: Sit around and feel grumpy and bitch about shit and say nasty things about yourself in your own head OR get over it. Turn that frown upside down!

Somewhere around age ... I dunno what age actually, but somewhere along the way I got the idea in my head that letting yourself feel really good stuff, without pooing on it, was a mistake. I was wrong. Letting yourself feel good stuff is the best. Do it always.

I'm a lucky girl with lots of loving and caring people in my life. And I can think of about eight of them who would blow chunks all over themselves if they read that sentence. Which is precisely why I adore them all to begin with.

That said: Love.


ibye said...

Aw Jen that was sweet, and I mean that in a completely non sarcastic way:) really I'm not being sarcastic. look
can't a guy just say that was a nice thing you posted without getting jumped on for being insensitive and sarcastic. Jeeze! WHAT WAS THAT???!!!! oh yeah?
Well ---- you too!

JessiferSeabs said...

Oh, now that is a cuuuuute picture.

And you definitely deserve to be happy. We all do. But why is so hard sometimes to get out of our own way?